Saturday, October 15, 2016

USA: Three Militia Men Arrested in Plot to Bomb Kansas Mosque Following Presidential Election

The building appears to have been targeted because it was home to a number of Somali immigrants.The targeting of refugees and those institutions helping to settle refugees has been on the rise in recent years. 

Curtis Allen and Gavin Wright
Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: The Southern Poverty Law Center
By Stephen Piggott | October 14, 2016

Three members of a southwest Kansas militia dubbed the "Crusaders” were arrested Friday on charges stemming from a plot to attack a housing complex that houses a mosque in Garden City, Kan.

Curtis Allen, 49, Gavin Wright, 49, of Liberal, Kan., and Patrick Stein, 47, a resident of a nearby Dodge City, Kan., had stockpiled firearms and explosives. They planned to use four explosive-laden vehicles parked at the corners of the complex, which is home to a number of Somali immigrants, officials said during a news conference.

The group, which called itself the “Crusaders” had prepared a manifesto in which they said they hoped their attack, scheduled for the day after the General Election, would “wake people up,” Tom Beall, acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Kansas, said.

A confidential source attended meetings of the group and provided the FBI with information about the defendants’ activities. The criminal complaint alleges that the men conducted surveillance to identify potential targets, stockpiled firearms, ammunition and explosive components, and planned to issue a manifesto in conjunction with the planned bombing.

According to the complaint, Stein said:
“The only fucking way this country’s ever going to get turned around is it will be a bloodbath and it will be a nasty, messy motherfucker. Unless a lot more people in this country wake up and smell the fucking coffee and decide they want this country back … we might be too late, if they do wake up … I think we can get it done. But it ain’t going to be nothing nice about it.”

The building appears to have been targeted because it was home to a number of Somali immigrants.The targeting of refugees and those institutions helping to settle refugees has been on the rise in recent years.

According to an application to extend the surveillance of the suspects, the men repeatedly referred to Somalis as “cockroaches,” claiming that the apartment complex was “full of goddamn cockroaches.” On one “patrol” of the area, Stein screamed out the window at Somali women in traditional garb, “fucking raghead bitches!”

The arrests cap an eight-month investigation led by the FBI involving several confidential informants. On Oct. 12, according to a Justice Department news release, Stein met with one of those informants in rural Finney County, Kansas. There, they test fired automatic weapons before visiting the apartment building, where Stein told the FBI source he would provide money for the attack ammonium nitrate for the bomb –– the same component Timothy McVeigh used in the 1995 to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City.

The men also contemplated attacking churches that have supported the relocation of refugees, court documents show. In one conversation, Stein said, “That mother fucker needs burnt to the ground.” Other potential targets includedcity/county commission meetings, local public officials, landlords who rent property to Muslim refugees and organizations providing assistance to Muslim refugees. These locations were plotted out on Google maps and labeled “cockroaches.”

Stein also seemed to have been particularly motivated by the death of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, the spokesman for the antigovernment occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge earlier this year. Police shot and killed Finicum as he reached for a pocket containing a handgun after after trying to speed past a police road block in January. Since his death, Finicum has become a martyr to the nationwide antigovernment movement.

Read original post here: USA: Three Men Arrested in Plot to Bomb Kansas Mosque Following Presidential Election

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