Sunday, April 16, 2017

Perspective: Shocked by attack on Muslim woman | Fariha Mubarak

Fear and misinformation lead to such hate crimes. But as a member of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I know that we are working to educate everyone about the true teachings of Islam.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Journal Sentinel
By Fariha Mubarak | April 15, 2017

I felt really sad and shocked to read about the news of an attack on a Muslim woman, apparently because of her hijab in Milwaukee on the morning of April 11 (“Attack was hate crime, Muslim groups say,” April 13).

This is a tragic and unfortunate incident. The hijab (headscarf) is an identity for a Muslim woman and no one should try to forcibly remove someone’s identity. As a Muslim girl, I can sense the fear that the attacked woman must have felt.

Fear and misinformation lead to such hate crimes. But as a member of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I know that we are working to educate everyone about the true teachings of Islam.

The “Coffee, Cake, and True Islam” events that are being held all across the nation provide the opportunity for Americans of all faiths and backgrounds to come and meet Muslims in person and get their questions answered. I would like to invite the readers to learn about each others’ beliefs to promote tolerance so we can live peacefully.

Fariha Mubarak
Fredericksburg, Va.

Read original post here: Perspective: Shocked by attack on Muslim woman | Fariha Mubarak

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