Wednesday, November 1, 2017

USA: Members of Santa Barbara Ahmadiyya Muslim Community react to bike path attack in New York City

Ramlah Malhi-Saifi said, "Allahu Akbar means god is the great." She said it is horrible to hear that the words are used during acts of terror. She wants people to know about the True Islam social media campaign.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch |
Source/Credit: FOX KKFX News
By Tracy Lehr | October 31, 2017

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - When members of the nation's oldest Muslim community heard about the terror investigation in New York City they chose to speak out against the deadly bike path violence.

" In times like these when terrorists try to separate us we need to remember the true meaning of Islam is love for all and hatred for none," said Osaama Saifi.

The Santa Barbara attorney is married to the spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

She was upset to hear about the words witnesses heard when the driver of a rental truck ran over cyclists.

Ramlah Malhi-Saifi said, "Allahu Akbar means god is the great."

She said it is horrible to hear that the words are used during acts of terror.

She wants people to know about the True Islam social media campaign.

She said they are trying to debunk the myths about their religion.

All across the nation there are Coffee Cake and True Islam events intended to create a dialogue.

Malhi-Saifi said she hopes people will stay calm and let authorites take action to maintain peace and order.

She said true Islam does not teach violence and that the path to peace is justice in all forms.

Read original post here: USA: Members of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community react to bike path attack in New York City

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