Thursday, November 26, 2009


... The practice of attacking the people of other religions prevalent among the Muslims, which they name as Jihad, is not the lawful jihad [as envisaged by shariah]...

Ahmadiyya Times | Excerpts | Jihad
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Qadian, India
The Essenes of Islam, v. 2.

"The doctrine of Jihad as understood and propagated by the Muslim divines of this age who are called maulvis is utterly incorrect. It can lead to nothing except that by their forceful preaching they would convert common people into wild beasts and would deprive them of all the good qualities of human beings; and so it has happened.

I know for certain that the burden of the sins of those people who commit murders through ignorance on account of such preachings, and who are unaware of the reason why Islam had to fight battles in its early stages, lies on the necks of these maulvis who go on propagating secretly these dangerous doctrines which result in such grievous loss of life. When these maulvis call on government officials they bow down before them at such an angle as if they are ready to fall into prostration; but when they are among their own ilk they persist in declaring that this country is the House of War and that the employment of the sword for the purpose of the propagation of the faith is a prescribed obligation.

There are few of them who do not adhere to this doctrine. The large majority of them are so committed to this false doctrine which is utterly contrary to the Holy Quran and the teaching of the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, that they condemn anyone who differs with them on this score as Dajjal and proclaim that he may be killed with impunity. " [read more here]

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed that he was the Messiah, Mahdi, and the reformer whose advent had been foretold in the Holy Quran, the Hadith, and scriptures of the other religions. [read here]

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