Sunday, November 29, 2009


Pat Robertson may intend to represent Christianity, but I'm not sure how that's possible. I must have missed the verse in the Holy Bible where Jesus commands his disciples to spread hatred and fear. 

Ahmadiyya Times | Articles | Qasim Rashid
Chicago Muslim Examinar | Re-Print
Publish date: November 25, 2009

Yes, I agree, the title of this article is quite alarming.  However it is designed to prove a point.  After the tragedy at Fort Hood, Pat Robertson asserted that Islam is "not a religion" but a "violent political system." He then added that those who practice it should be treated like members of a communist or fascist party.

I wont respond to such an obtuse statement as to run the risk of dignifying his hate speech.  However, I will make one truth clear.  Pat Robertson, who claims to be Christian, promotes an attitude against Islam that mimics the same attitude that extremists, who claim to be Muslim, promote against the West.  Therefore, we must ask; does this make Robertson a truer Christian or a truer extremist?  I'll let you decide that one.

The fact is, no competent Muslim seeks to justify the actions of Major Hasan at Fort Hood.  Likewise, no competent Christian seeks to justify the actions of Timothy McVeigh at Oklahoma City.  Why, then, even tolerate such hate speech?  Does America gain some advantage by endorsing or appreciating the commentes spewed by Pat Robertson?  Does it make our society richer and our children better citizens?

Rather than spread suspicion and discord, those in religious authority in our nation owe a duty to build bridges of mutual brotherhood.  Instead of stereotyping an entire religion for the actions of one, leaders of different faiths should further strengthen their ties and stand united against all forms of terrorism, no matter the religion to which the perpetrator claims adherence.

Pat Robertson may intend to represent Christianity, but I'm not sure how that's possible.  I must have missed the verse in the Holy Bible where Jesus (peace be upon him) commands his disciples to spread hatred and fear.

Qasim Rashid is a contributing member of Majlis Sultan-ul Qalam, USA (MSQ USA). 


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