Saturday, December 5, 2009


For our nation and court system to function in good faith and well-founded trust, bias needs to be set aside and the issues between the people involved needs to be resolved.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Articles
Source: Chicago Islam Examiner |  December 3, 2009
By Qasim Rashid | Chicago, IL.

The tragedy of Rifqa Bary is double edged.

On one side you have a seemingly innocent minor, entirely afraid and confused of what the world holds for her.  She questions her faith, feels threatened by her father, and travels nearly 1000 miles to be with members of her new faith.

On the other side you have seemingly mortified parents, entirely afraid and confused of what the world holds for them.  The question their parenting, feel threatened by virtually everyone, and watch helplessly as their minor daughter is kept a part from them.

We've spoken at length that Islam absolutely forbids and condemns even the slightest punishment for even the slightest blasphemy.  That notwithstanding, nothing in the Holy Qur'an or Hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad (on whom be peace) allow punishment for apostasy.  (See bottom for references)

Leaving the apostasy question aside for just a moment, consider for a moment if Rifqa Bary was your daughter.  You wake up one morning to find your minor teenage daughter has been lured across state lines into the loving arms of a Muslim family, some 800 miles away.  She refuses to speak to you, insisting you follow a backwards Puritan philosophy that demands death for all who reject your faith.

After a thorough and humiliating investigation when no evidence of such allegations are found, you try to reason with her but still to no avail.

You wonder how, in a country of laws, your minor child can be lured across state lines and no charges are pressed to the group who lured her.  After all, that is a form of kidnapping.

How would you feel?

By no means are we defending whatever actions the parents of Rifqa Bary took.  Likewise, we are not endorsing the actions of Rifqa Bary.  This exercise seeks to demonstrate that a bias has been infused in the situation by virtue of a seeming battle between 'Islam and Christianity.'  In the midst, we've seemingly forgotten that pained parents and a teenage child have had their lives turned upside down.

No one can win this battle as these are not the types of battle our modern society should be fighting.
For our nation and court system to function in good faith and well-founded trust, bias needs to be set aside and the issues between the people involved needs to be resolved.

According to, "One in seven kids between the ages of 10 and 18 will run away at some point. And there are 1 million to 3 million runaway and homeless kids living on the streets in the United States."  They go on to point out that the vast majority, 68%, fall into the exact age group of Rifqa Bary (15-17).  Rifqa Bary is not unique - I'm sure she's not the first to leave her faith for another, nor will she be the last.

Reverts to Islam will tell you (and have told me) that their Christian parents kicked them out of the house, disowned them, and yes, in a fit of rage at times even threatened to cause them severe physical harm or threatened to kill them for their decision.  "I brought you into this world, I can take you out." Can it be that parents are not perfect and can, at times, make some terrible decisions, regardless of religion?
Rest assured, this is not a battle between Islam and Christianity.
Let's not make it one.

For More Info: For a thorough audio answer addressing all major verses in the Qur'an regarding blasphamy, please click [ here ] or copy and paste this below link into your browser:

Also See: Death for apostasy in Islam? 

Read more here:  If Rifqa Bary was your daughter...

A UIC graduate and currently a law student, Qasim Rashid is actively engaged in the Chicago Muslim community and in general social welfare programs.  The author is a contributing member of Majlis Sultanul Qalm, (MSQ USA) and has published in numerous print and online forums on topics ranging from Islam to human rights.

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