Saturday, December 12, 2009


“My Country! When right keep it right; when wrong, set it right!” This is the attitude with which most Americans, Muslim or otherwise, approach a discussion of the realization of the American idea. 

Ahmadiyya Times | Articles | Around the Net
Source: Rochester Muslim Examiner |
By Sardar Anees Ahmad | Waterlo, NY

Do Muslims hate America? With 2.35 million American-Muslims and more than 1 billion Muslims worldwide, it is a question agitating the minds of politicians, professors, and the public. Undoubtedly, some will reply, “Is there any doubt?” Yes, there are and always will be the Maududi’s, the Qutb’s, the bin Laden’s, etc. But the sentiments and actions of a few rogue individuals do not represent the ideology of the collective. Would it be fair to assess Christianity based on the reign of Queen Isabella when there are such shining beacons as Mary (peace be upon her) to reference?

It may surprise some that America occupies a special place in the hearts of the majority of American Muslims. In a poll of 55,000+ Muslims, the Pew Research Center found that 71% of American Muslims believe hard work does indeed pay off in this society compared with only 64% of the general public.

Sadly, while there does exist a faction of Muslims who are terrorists, they cannot attribute this employment of terror to Islam. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) held a deep attachment to Mecca, rivaled only by his love for Medina. Yet despite Muslims being pulled apart by camels, pressed under stones, and having their faith maligned to no end, Prophet Muhammad never sanctioned any retaliation in Mecca. Muslims were forced to take shelter in a barren valley for 3 years where their diet consisted of grass and soaked leather. Prophet Muhammad lost his beloved wife and uncle due to this socio-economic boycott as well. More than a decade passed when the Muslims finally migrated to Medina where arms were raised only in defense, lest the Muslims face total annihilation. Then in 630 C.E., after enduring 20 years of bitter persecution, Prophet Muhammad peacefully conquered Mecca and pardoned his bloodthirsty enemies as the great Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) pardoned his erring brothers – illustrating that regardless of the government’s treatment, the citizen may seek legal recourse, endure the treatment, or migrate. An individual CANNOT take the law into his own hands. Ultimately, love of one’s homeland necessitates obedience to its laws, and is explained by Prophet Muhammad to be a component of religion, “Love of one’s homeland is part of faith.”

In today’s age, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (Ahmadiyyat) has maintained that their members observe loyalty to the 180+ nations they reside in. In his Friday Sermon on April 13th, 2007, the Current Head of the Ahmadiyyat, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, urged Ahmadi Muslims to constantly pray and maintain a love for their countrymen, whatever their nationality. Despite facing bitter persecution by their own Muslim brethren in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Middle East , and other areas of the world, Ahmadi Muslims have maintained a pristinely pure public relations resume. Subject to harassment, vandalism, and oftentimes murder in some countries, Ahmadi Muslims have never been accused of retaliation, nor for unruly and/or disloyal behavior to their respective governments.

Now, if Islam promotes patriotism, why do we constantly hear the strident cry of American-Muslims condemning actions of the American government? Remember, American-Muslims are not alone in their criticism. Intellectuals and the layman, from America or abroad, have also disagreed with many actions of the American government. This does NOT mean they hate America . A recent 32% approval rating for President George Bush does not mean that nearly 70% of the American public hates America, rather that the public is concerned about the direction in which America is heading.

As an American Muslim, I know from first hand experience that America granted religious freedom and economic opportunity for my parents, while their homeland denied it. Yet, it is my very attachment to America that gives birth to my uninterrupted criticism of her. As Carl Shurz states, “My Country! When right keep it right; when wrong, set it right!” This is the attitude with which most Americans, Muslim or otherwise, approach a discussion of the realization of the American idea. Censuring and/or denigrating any critique whose aim is to improve the condition of America is nothing more than political dogmatism. As G.K. Chesteron observed, “‘My country, right or wrong’ … is like saying ‘My mother, drunk or sober.’”

 Read here: Muslims: Patriots or Anti-Americans?

Sardar Anees Ahmad is a graduate of Binghamton University with a B.A in economics, and has completed studies at Cornell University. He is a monthly religion columnist for the Finger Lakes Times and a contributing member of Majlis Sultanul Qalam, USA (MSQ-USA).  He is a member of The Muslim Sunrise's masthead, the oldest American Islamic periodical.

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