Friday, January 1, 2010


"Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. No one has any right, or any preference to claim over another. You are brothers." Prophet Muhamma, The Holy Founder of Islam

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Articles
Source & Credit: Atlanta Muslim Examiner
By Qamar Ahmad | Atlanta, GA

Islam is proclaimed as the religion aligned with the nature of man. It is also said that Islam equates with peace. Ahmad meaning praiseworthy, is a quality attributed to Muhammad, the prophet of Islam.

Yet it is not natural to blow yourself up causing death and injury to others. It doesn’t help the cause of peace to terrorize the masses. Far from praiseworthy is the threatening and killing of innocent civilians and soldiers. These dichotomies are however, lost on those perpetrating violence and terrorism in the name of Islam and the teachings attributed to Muhammad.

We hope that the following advice will bring home the peaceful, natural, and beautiful teachings of Islam to those bent upon causing murder and mayhem in the name of their religion.

Ponder over the Quran
Read the Holy Quran and reflect upon the following:

You kill not the life which Allah has made sacred. Quran: Chapter 6, Verse152

Allah does not love those who create disorder on earth. Quran: Chap 5, Verse 65 and Chap 28, Verse 78

He does not love who are unjust. Quran: Chap 3, Verse 58

He does not love those who exceed the limits. Quran: Chap 2, Verse 191and Chap 5, Verse 88

Listen to Muhammad

"O ye people, your blood and your property and your honor are sacred amongst you until you meet your Lord as is sacred this day (the day when Muslims perform pilgrimage), this month (12th month of Islamic Calendar), this town (Mecca)."

"Even as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. No one has any right, or any preference to claim over another. You are brothers."

During the time of Muhammad, a Muslim and a Jew quarrelled. The Muslim said, ‘I swear by that Being Who chose Muhammad over all the worlds and granted him excellence over others.’ The Jew retorted, ‘I swear by that Being Who granted excellence to Moses over all the worlds and chose him.’ On this the Muslim slapped the Jew. The Jew took the complaint to the Holy Prophet, who asked the Muslim for the details and then said:

"Do not give me preference over Moses."

Thus one should do everything in his power to promote peace even if it requires restraint and a temporary setback.

Use common sense
What good is a religion that uses violence to promote its cause? Can conviction be borne out of injury and contempt? Can hate beget love?

Religion is worth the name only so long as it is in consonance with reason. If it fails to satisfy that requisite, if it has to make up for its discomfiture in argument by handling the sword, it needs no other argument for its falsification. The sword it wields cuts its own throat before reaching others.  (Jihad with Sword )

Swords can win territories but not hearts. Force can bend heads but not minds. (Islam's Response to Contemporary Issues)

Get back to fundamentals
Reflect over What Would Muhammad do?

The message of Muhammad is that of tolerance. It is of forbearance in the face of persecution. It is of humility when confronted with pride. Even if your rights as a Muslim are being treaded upon, use all possible peaceful means to get yourself heard. Use the power of pen and speech to bring attention to your affliction. History sides with those who employ pacifism.

Above all, use the power of prayer.
Who answers the distressed person when he calls upon Him, and removes the evil, and makes you successors in the earth? Is there a God besides Allah? Little is it that you reflect. (Quran: Chapter 27, Verse 63)

Read here: Advice to a terrorist wannabe

Qamar Ahmad lives in an Atlanta suburb with his wife and two daughters. His interests include mathematics and logic, as well as science and religion. Qamar tries to live by the motto, "Love for All, Hatred for None. Qamar Ahmad is a contributing member of Majlis Sultan-ul Qalam, USA (MSQ USA). 

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