Saturday, January 30, 2010


..[U]nfortunately today Muslim world has forgotten Islamic concept of democracy and the noble example of Omer and point fingers towards West. 

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Articles
Source & Credit: Ansar SuQ | July 15, 2009
By Atif Mehmood | Nottingham |

According to the Holy Quran, people have a free choice to adopt any system of rule which suits them. Democracy, sovereignty, tribal or feudal systems are valid provided they are accepted by the people as the traditional heritage of their society. However, it seems that democracy is preferred and highly commended in the Holy Quran. Holy Quran say’s

Verily, Allah commands you to give over the trusts to those entitled to them, and that, when you judge between men, you judge with justice.(4:59)

There are only two pillars to the Islamic concept of democracy. Democratic process of elections must be based on trust and integrity. Islam teaches that whenever you exercise your vote, do it with the consciousness that God is watching over you and will hold you responsible for your decision. Vote for those who are most capable of discharging their national trust and are in them trustworthy. Governments must function on the principle of absolute justice. The second pillar of Islamic democracy is that whenever you make decisions; make them on the principle of absolute justice.

Two years after the death of the Holy Prophet in 634 A.D Omer Bin Khatab became the second rightly guided Caliph of Medinah. During his time he implemented a great system of administration. Omar governed the state of Islam on the principle of democracy.

He formed a Consultative Body of advisors and sought its advice and help in all important matters. For the sake of convenience of administration, he divided the empire into provinces and appointed a governor for each province. He introduced a system of old age pension, he established a department of finance for poor and needy. In his time a treaty was negotiated between the Muslims and the people of Jerusalem according to which the inhabitants' life, property and churches were given protection and Islam was not to be forced on them.

Omar was always concerned about the proper discharging of his duties as the religious and political leader of the Muslims. He used to walk the streets of Medinah at night to make sure that the people were sleeping well and not in need of anything. Thus his government was the living example of commonly accepted definition of democracy, i.e.; government, by the people for the people.

But unfortunately today Muslim world has forgotten Islamic concept of democracy and the noble example of Omer and point fingers towards West. Who has given us what Omer gave to his people, a true democracy.

Read here: Islam Does Not Permit Democracy

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