Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Faith and logic: Unity is Strength

The Holy Prophet of Islam has likened the true spirit of Islamic brotherhood to that of a building every part of which reinforces other parts and, as an undivided symbol of unity, commanded Muslims when lined up for prayer to stand together shoulder to shoulder like a solid wall leaving no space for even a rod to be passed between them.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff  |Articles
Source & Credit: Review of Religions | July 1993

Unity is strength! The fundamental message of Islam is the Unity of God and the establishment of the unity of mankind bound together by ties of practical brotherhood. This is the clarion call of Islam which abhors strife, hatred, greed, selfishness, pride, intolerance and such like unbrotherly dispositions. The aim of every Muslim should be in accordance with the injunction of the Holy Quran:

Help one another in righteousness and piety.

The Holy Prophet of Islam has likened the true spirit of Islamic brotherhood to that of a building every part of which reinforces other parts and, as an undivided symbol of unity, commanded Muslims when lined up for prayer to stand together shoulder to shoulder like a solid wall leaving no space for even a rod to be passed between them.

Islam is a universal religion revealed by God for the guidance of all mankind and is above personal bias, tribal prejudice and ignorant sectarianism. It teaches that all human beings are equal and nobody is superior to another due to origin, colour, genealogy or race. The only difference in the sight of God between individuals is their degree of righteousness. As God says in the Holy Quran:

Verily the most honourable person among you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous among you. (49:14)

This ideal of Islamic unity and brotherhood which is sadly lacking in the world today can only be achieved by devoutedly acting upon the injunctions of Islam. Muslims should act upon and call people to what is good, and avoid and forbid what is bad. The strong and more fortunate should help the weak and less fortunate. The rich should help the poor. No one should usurp the property and rights of others. Religious tolerance is essential.

The Ahmadiyya Community in Islam has been dedicated to the revival of Islam for over one hundred years since its inception in 1889 by its Holy Founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad--the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. Its growth has spread all over the world and the Community continues to spread its heavenly influence in rejuvenating the pristine purity of Islam in the hearts of people of all nations and creating among them a bond of divine unity.

Read original article here: Unity is Strength

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