Saturday, February 6, 2010


"Donating to help Haiti victims enables our sales representatives and employees not only to give something back to those in need of our help, but to also help raise awareness. It is a great feeling to know that our contributions go directly toward helping those in need." Aisha Malik.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff |
Source & Credit: York Region.Com | February 04, 2010
Staff News | Richmond Hill

A local real estate firm is another business stepping up to the plate to help victims in the Haiti earthquake.

Reports from a Humanity First Canadian charity team working in Haiti indicate that the situation there cannot be understood from a distance. Aisha Malik, a volunteer with the charity and part of the administrative team at Century 21 Heritage Group in Richmond Hill, notes that Haitians are in desperate need of help and many will die without immediate assistance.

Century 21 Heritage Group quickly organized a collection for Haiti after the disaster and agents contributed $1,400 to Humanity First, a Canadian based non-profit charitable, humanitarian relief organization, established to provide help and assistance to the less fortunate people around the globe and also to improve the quality of life of those in under-privileged countries.

"Donating to help Haiti victims enables our sales representatives and employees not only to give something back to those in need of our help, but to also help raise awareness. It is a great feeling to know that our contributions go directly toward helping those in need," said Ms Malik.

She pointed out that as a registered charity, the Canadian International Development Agency will match funds raised through Humanity First dollar for dollar.

She's still collecting donations and can be contacted at 905-883-8300 ext 3000. For updates on Humanity First's work in Haiti, visit the website

Read original article here: Real estate firm helps Haiti

About Humanity First (
Humanity First is, a registered nonprofit organization, established to restore disaster-stricken and under-developed and vulnerable communities around the globe. Humanity First is a leading non-profit relief organization whose board of directors, management team, and project staff running the day-to-day operations are all dedicated volunteers with diverse professional backgrounds including business, healthcare, and education sectors. Humanity First has been expanding over the last few years to now being a registered charity in 29 countries worldwide.

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