Friday, February 5, 2010


Misunderstandings about terrorism, jihad and women's role in Islamic society to be discussed at Islamic peace conference where MP Dominic Grieve will speak.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff |
Source & Credit: This is Locle London | Newsquest
By  By James Nadal | February 5, 2010

SHADOW Justice secretary MP Dominic Grieve will be among the speakers at a 'peace symposium' in Bourne End.
The event aims to dispel misunderstandings about Islamic attitudes towards terrorism and suicide bombers as well as misconceptions about the tenet of Jihad and women's role in Islamic society.

Organisers from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association hope to “build a healthy and harmonious society” at the forum, which is designed to “promote understanding and tolerance”.

The Ahmadiyya Movement was established in 1889 by Hadharat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in a remote Indian village.

Its motto is “love for all, hatred for none”.

The conference will take place on Saturday February 6 from 5pm at Bourne End community centre in Wakeman Road.

To find out more about attending the event contact Shazad Qureshi on 07828 059 842 or e-mail:

Read the original article here: Suicide bombers never justified, Islamic peace conference to be told

About the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community:
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a dynamic, reformist and fast growing international movement within Islam. Founded in 1889, the Community spans over 190 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA, established in 1921, is the first American-Muslim organization. or or

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Worldwide values the interfaith interaction, for educating one another regarding each other’s faiths and philosophical traditions. The interfaith concept is a unifying vehicle, which can aid everyone in bringing the reformation of the world nearer to reality.

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