Sunday, March 7, 2010

Faith & Science: Alcohol: moderate use a gateway to alcoholism

About 40 percent of those who begin drinking alcohol before age 14 develop alcohol dependence, whereas only 10 percent of those who did not begin drinking until 20 years or older developed an alcohol problem in later life.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Articles
Source & Credit: Google Knol | A unit of Knowledge
By Zia H. Shah | Upstate, NY

Muslims realize that all the detrimental consequences related to alcoholism are a proof that alcohol is the reason for numerous problems. The non-Muslims especially the Westerners have a convenient rationalization. They fracture the reality into two parts, moderate use and excessive use and keep trying to blame all problems on excessive use, while applauding the recreational value of moderate use and its other benefits. This also requires denying any possible relationship between moderate and excessive use.

"Thus unto every people have We (Allah) caused their doing to seem fair." (Al Quran 6:109)

The simple fact is that every alcoholic starts as a moderate consumer of alcohol. He may or may not have a genetic predisposition, but, the reality is that if he had never tasted alcohol his vulnerability would not have been exposed.

There are at least 75 verses in the Bible against wine or drunkenness. However, unfortunately, Christianity's message on the issue becomes ambiguous as wine is a part of its sacraments also. In the majority of Western Christianity, the generally accepted definition of a sacrament is that it is an outward sign that conveys spiritual grace through Christ. Christian churches, denominations, and sects are divided regarding the number and operation of the sacraments. The outward component of sacraments entails the use of such things as water, oil, and bread and wine that is blessed or consecrated.

The Holy Quran has a very precise and clear message about alcohol:

They ask thee concerning wine and the game of hazard. Say: ‘In both there is great sin and also some advantages for men; but their sin is greater than their advantage.’ And they ask thee what they should spend. Say: ‘What you can spare.’ Thus does Allah make His commandments clear to you that you may reflect. (Al Quran 2:220)

O ye who believe! wine and the game of hazard and idols and divining arrows are only an abomination of Satan’s handiwork. So shun each one of them that you may prosper. Satan desires only to create enmity and hatred among you by means of wine and the game of hazard, and to keep you back from the remembrance of Allah and from Prayer. But will you keep back? (Al Quran 5:91-92)

Read more here: Alcohol: moderate use a gateway to alcoholism

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