Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Guatemala: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community inaugurated 2nd Mission House.

Imam Abdus Sattar Khan explained, contrary to some sinister propaganda, how Prophet Mohammad instilled peace and obedience in the beastly-natured Bedouin of Arabia of that time.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l Desk
Source: Dr. Wasim A. Sayed | March 6, 2010
Edited by Ahmadiyya Times staff
Updated March 9, 2010

The mesmerizing call, “I bear witness there is none worthy of worship save Allah, I bear witness Mohammad is His messenger” mingled with the melody of the city’s atmosphere when sun shifted slightly past zenith in Quetzaltenango, the second largest city of Guatemala.

It was the start of the proceedings on Saturday, began with the call to prayer, to inaugurate the second Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission House in Guatemala.

Maulana Abdus Sattar Khan, President and Missionary In-charge of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission in Guatemala led the prayers and presided over the inauguration ceremony.

Several representatives from the United States joined with local and national dignitaries to help materialize the dream of late Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, the 4th spiritual leader of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community who had inaugurated the 1st Mission House of Guatemala, in 1989 in Guatemala City.

Some 50 members of the local community and guests were on hand when the ceremony began with the recitation of a portion of the Holy Quran by Dr. Nasir Tanauli who had travelled from the United States to Guatemala for the specific purpose of participating in the Mission House inauguration.

The audience consisted of people from all walks of life, lawyers, teachers, businessmen and ordinary people.

Dr. Attaur Rabb and Mr. Nasir H. Malik also from Houston and Dr. Waseem Sayed of Los Angeles, California had traveled to Guatemala to attend the session.

Mr. David Gonzalez, the General Secretary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Guatemala, acted as the master of ceremonies for the occasion and presented a brief introduction to Islam.

“The belief in the Unity of God is of central significance in Islam,” said David Gonzalez. “It is by worshiping Him and turning to Him always that humanity could find peace and achieve happiness.”

He said the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community exists in 197 countries of the world, has built more than 15,000 mosques and attracted some 200 million followers. 

“Do not think that the evil deeds of some so-called Muslims means that Islam teaches violence,” said Gonzalez. “No,  It does not,” he immediately reinforced.

Some members of the AMC-Guatemala talked about what had attracted them to the acceptance of Islam. 

For Mr. Eulalio, the belief in One God meant that “we must love everyone and hate no one.”  He said that in May 2010 it will be two years since he accepted Islam.

Mr. Camelo related his experiences that he wanted to find God but not through some rites and rituals but through reason and understanding. “I found that in Islam,” he proclaimed. 

He said he is trying to perfect his life, as we all should try to, as Jesus (as) said for us to become the sons of God. Camelo liked the fact that now there will be a library available at the new center and this will help people find information about Islam and its teachings.

Mr. Dario spoke about how he had found the answers to his questions about God in Islam.  “From my earliest age I was puzzled by the teachings about God in Christianity. How could God be in need of repentance and how could He make mistakes?” Dario could not understand.  “It was only when I started reading the Holy Quran that I found the concept of God that was in accord with reason and intelligence,” he related to the attentively listening crowed.

Maulana Abdus Sattar Khan, President and Imam of the AMC- Guatemala, spoke to the gathering and began by thanking everyone for their participation and good wishes. He thanked dignitaries who had traveled long distances to participate and share in the happiness of the members of the AMC-Guatemala.

Imam Sattar Khan spoke about the life of the Holy Founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, who had suffered great difficulties for many long years at the start of his ministry.

Imam Sattar Khan explained, contrary to some sinister propaganda, how Prophet Mohammad instilled peace and obedience in the beastly-natured Bedouin of Arabia of that time.

“The sum and essence of Islam is peace through obedience to God,” he affirmed. “I hope now that this new center is opened in Quetzaltenango, the people here will be able to come here and learn about true Islam.”

Dr. Waseem Sayed, who had also supervised the creation of the 1st Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission in Guatemala some 20 years ago, addressed the audience.  Dr. Sayed expressed his gratitude to God Almighty and quoted from the writing of the Holy founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

"The purpose of this Community is to bring into being a group of men who are models of rectitude and virtue, so that a large number of these virtuous people exert their influence on the people by their exemplary lives of high moral and spiritual qualities and their solidarity becomes a source of great blessing, grandeur and positive consequences for humanity," Dr, Sayed quoted.

The meeting ended with silent prayers led by Maulana Abdus Sattar Khan and everyone was invited to light refreshments.

Many people visited the library where they were shown books in Spanish and also translations of the Holy Quran in many languages.  Everyone stayed to discuss Islam and ask questions. People expressed their joy at finally being able to learn about the true Islam.

The Mission House, displaying a prominent signs outside the building, has already attracted a lot of attention from the Catholic and Protestant evangelical communities.  Some have expressed they will have to launch a campaign against the AMC in Quetzaltenango.

-- Ahmadiyya Times staff.


  1. Islam zindabad, Ahmadiyyat Zindabad.

  2. It is with profound thankfulness to Allah Almighty and with great pleasure, we note the inauguration of the second Mission House in Guatemala.

    The proceedings of the event as reported by Ahmadiyya Times and the accompanied pictures tell the story of a heavenly testimonial to the victory of Islam in the Americas.

    May Allah Tala bless the efforts of all the soldiers of Ahmadiyyat, including Maulana Abdus Sattar Khan sahib, Dr, Waseem Sayed Sahib, David Gonzalez Sahib, any so many more seen in the accompanied picture - who brought about this dream of Hazrat Khaliftul Masih IV (ra) to a reality. May this be a source of perpetual blessing for them all.

    Please accept the heartiest congratulation on behalf of Ahmadiyya Times and its staff.

    -- Ahmadiyya Times is the most up-to-date online news source about all things Ahmadiyya.


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