Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pakistan: Two Ahmadi Muslims shot dead in Rawalpindi

Masood Malik, (55+), who was the actual target of Mullah hate mail had gone to meet his son Umer Malik returning from a travel.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: Sources / ARY
By Ahmadiyya Times | November 4, 2010

Updated 1:00 PM [PT] - While use of faith is not uncommon in settling personal scores against Ahmadi Muslims and other minorities in Pakistan, however,the purported attacks and the murders reported here-under may include reasons of personal animosity against any one or both of the victims.

Ahmadiyya Times has independently learned that the victims were recipients of death threats and warnings of physical harm due to their faith.

  [-- end update]

Two Ahmadi Muslims, a father-son pair were murdered in cold blood in Rawalpindi Pakistan, local TV channel ARY Digital reported earlier today.

According to the relatives, the victims were on the extremist mullahs' hit list and have been receiving threats from the Muslim clerics to change their faith.

Masood Malik, (55+),  who has been the target of  hate-mail had gone to meet his son Umer Malik returning from a travel.

Umer Malik (30) arrived in Pakistan today morning and on the way back from the Airport  the pair was met by the gunmen.

The gunmen opened fire on the car, killing Umer Malik instantly and Masood Malik passed away in the hospital.

The members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community are routinely targeted by the extremist Mullah of Pakistan.

The rogue element enjoys legal protection to persecute Ahmadis, provided in form of a constitutional amendment that declared Ahmadis a standalone class of citizens in Pakistan, whose existence is further restricted by several criminal statues in Pakistan enacted to penalize their profession of faith as Muslims.

The government of the Punjab and many elements within the federal government are known to openly associate with religious thugs, providing them clout and cover in persecution of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community.

More information about the persecution of the Ahmadiyya Community is available at ThePersecution.Org

-- @Atif S. Ahmad

UPDATE: 1:00 PM [PT]

Ahmadiyya Times has independently learned that while the victims were recipients of death threats and warnings of physical harm due to their faith, however, the purported attacks and murders reported herein may include reasons of personal animosity against any one or both of the victims.

Use of faith is not uncommon in settling personal scores against Ahmadi Muslims and other minorities in Pakistan.

[-- end update]

Read original post here:


  1. This is truly sad!! The international community should take note of how the Pakistanis backed up by the extremist mullah controlled government is out to wipe out a peaceful and exemplary community in Pakistan!

  2. May Allah Grant Place In Jannah For Them, Ameen!
    And MAy Allah PLEASE give some knowledge/brain to use/common sense to these Mullah's, Ameen!
    `Inna Nillahe wa Inna Ilaihe Rajioun`

  3. its is really sad...may allah bless them!!!!

    i knew umar malik personally !!! he was an really wonderfull person and a great ahmadi muslim!!! he even couldnt do something bad to a fly...allah blessed him with this shaded!!

  4. It was really a intensive shocking news for me. I know Umar Malik personally since 2004. He was really a nice and sincere guy. May Allah grant him & his father the company of his most beloved(Amin).My condolences to their family.

  5. This is a horrible incident.
    Another unjustified addition to the murders earlier this year.
    May Allah bless all the victims of this brutal murder expedition.
    May Allah help the family members thru this very tough time.
    Unfortunately justice is written very small in asian countries.
    I found this link:,-son-killed-510

    This article shows another side of the story.
    All sides should be heared before making an rash conclusions.
    In such situations we all need to pray and focus on the important things.
    This is not the time to accuse anyone but fight against unjustice!

  6. i also knew Umar and Uncle Masood personally , both of them were really gracefull men.
    May Allah Grant Place In Jannah For Them, Ameen!
    My condolences to their family.

  7. Umarbhai was a wonderfull Person.I was very lucky that i met him.May Allah blessed him with a Grant Place in Jannath. Amin.
    May Allah help his family members from this hard time.Amin.
    Allah tallah hazaab legah un brutal murder ka , inshallah.

  8. Umer was a great man , usmeh bohat Saaber or Hoslah tha. Bohat Takleefen utayn.
    He was a special Allah´s Man.
    May God bless him a grant place in Jannath. Amin.

  9. We have just heard today of that tragedy.

    Umer was my collegue and we made jokes about him being married again and now this.

    We discussed just three weeks ago his faith and how they were opressed by other members of actually the same faith.

    He was one of the most peacefull men i happend to met.

    From Germany our deepest condolences to his family.


  10. i also know Umar since 2004 he was a wonderfull peacefull Person.
    May Allah blessed him with a Grant Place in Jannath.Amin.
    My condolences to their family.


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