Tuesday, November 2, 2010

USA: Muslims for Peace make major statement at Rally for Sanity

Some people shook our hands, others gave us high fives, while others gave us a full embrace and called us brother.  The day demonstrated the power of American unity, and the power of American pluralism.  

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Islam Examiner | National
By Qasim Rashid | November 1, 2010

The some 250,000 attendees at the Rally to Restore Sanity on October 30th at the National Mall included people from every corner of the country, and from around the globe.  Among the hundreds of thousands were members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, focused on an important mission—condemn terrorism and promote the true peaceful picture of Islam.

That true picture is demonstrated through the Muslims for Peace campaign, an international campaign originally launched in the United Kingdom, that has since spread througout Canada and America.  At the National Mall, Muslims for Peace volunteers passed out thousands of fliers and posed for literally thousands of pictures.  The crowd was warm, welcoming, and often thankful to see Muslims actively promoting peace.

Some people shook our hands, others gave us high fives, while others gave us a full embrace and called us brother.  The day demonstrated the power of American unity, and the power of American pluralism.  Americans who were Muslim, Christian, Jew, Agnostic, Atheist, Hindu, Buddhist, and of countless other faiths, or of no faith, spent the day together and welcomed each other as equals.

One cannot help but imagine that this type of unity is what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they established our great nation.  This is certainly the type of unity Islam teaches, and the type Prophet Muhammad (sa) established 1400 years ago.  Muslims for Peace are working actively to revitalize that unity once again.

Read original post here: Muslims for Peace make major statement at Rally for Sanity


  1. Talking to the media persons who was at Qadian town for his translation work, he said that translation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib was available in Hindi, English and Malayalam but was not available in the Urdu, which has a number of readership in the country and abroad.
    He has decided to make available the Urdu translation to the sikh community living in the Pakistan and he would be visiting the Pakistan in the mid of this month.


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