Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Gambia: Ahmadiyya leader calls for high moral standards

...[T]he Annual Conference which started 120 years ago in Qadian, India, is meant to inculcate higher standards of morality in members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in order to strengthen them for the mission of peacefully spreading the true massage of Islam throughout the world.

Photo credit: Daily Observor
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Today News | The Gambia
By Modou Sarr | April 27, 2011

The leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at in The Gambia, Maulana Baba F. Trawally has urged members of the society to uphold high standards of morality and discipline so as to ensure peace and security in the country. Amir Trawally was addressing members of the Ahmadiyya community on Friday at its 35th annual national convention held at Nusrat Senior Secondary School grounds in Bundunkakunda.

According to Amir Trawally, the convention calls to mind the need for morality and modesty among people. He noted with dismay that the world has taken a nosedive in these respects and it is important that corrections are made. “We can all observe that the world is caught in a chain of moral injustice, thus the numerous conflicts and crisis (economic, social, political and religious). High standards of morality should be upheld for peace to be attained in all walks of life,” he said.

He noted that Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) had described morality and modesty as the distinctive feature of Islam. One aspect of morality, according to him, is contentment, adding that greed is a social and moral disease which the Prophet said devours good works the way fire devours wood. “In other words, greed is a primary factor in social disruption and political and economic crises.”

He further said that morality is a universal concept, although its understanding may vary among people; but it basically is doing or saying things on their appropriate occasion, place, and time. If this principle is lacking in thought and action, humans are reduced to the level of the lower animals and they act in any manner they deem fitting.

He then reminded the audience that they have been created in the best of manners, with a perfect balance. Muslims, he said, should be truthful and should avoid hurting others with their strength or tongue. Truthfulness is the bedrock of all manners, he said, adding that if one could be genuinely truthful and honest, such a person would eschew all bad manners. “As Muslims, we are all morally bound to protect the rights of others and maintain peace and justice,”he said.

According to him, the Annual Conference which started 120 years ago in Qadian, India, is meant to inculcate higher standards of morality in members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in order to strengthen them for the mission of peacefully spreading the true massage of Islam throughout the world.

Also addressing Ahmadiyya women, Maulana Trawally spoke on the importance of the line of leadership and obedience to constituted authority. This, he said, is in accordance with the commandments of Allah and the Holy Prophet. “Sometimes we may not fully realize the implications of certain commandments, but as sincere believers we should not question any commandment.”

“As Ahmadi women, you should be exemplary in your actions. This is why you are called the Lajna Imaillah (the association of the female servants of Allah),” he reminded them.

The Jalsa Salana which is the 35th of its kind was attended by over seven thousand people from across the country and beyond. Delegates came all the way from Senegal, Guinea Bissau and the United Kingdom.

The Jalsa also attracted dignitaries including the speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Abdoulie Bojang; majority leader and member for Serrekunda East, Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta, governor of Lower River Region, Alhagie Lamin Waa Juwara, the Imam Ratib of Banjul, Alhagie Cherno Alieu Mass Kah among others, all of whom paid glowing tributes to the contribution of the Ahmadiyya community in the country’s development.

Read original post here: Ahmadiyya leader calls for high moral standards

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