Saturday, April 30, 2011

USA: Birthers- An embarrassment to the country?

Whereas this issue asserts the fact that bias and prejudice are inevitable and can never be completely eliminated from a society, it gives solace to know that the United States has the distinct honor, undoubtedly has strong systems in place to thwart such absurdities. Ultimately logic will triumph.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Miami Islam Examiner
By Mansura Minhas | April 28th, 2011

Adam Serwer considers the issue about President Obama’s Birth Certificate an embarrassment to the country.

However, it is not, considering the fact that President Obama has been the sitting President for two years and worse prejudice proliferated during his election campaign in 2008. If such frivolous issues had impeded his success, then only could they be deemed an embarrassment. Every corner of the world is rife with bigots, who can go to any lengths and use deception and misinformation in an effort to dupe and misguide the public. The ‘Birthers’ are a mere representation of such a lot, here in the United States.

In this digital age, one would expect it to be easier to get to the core of issues and sift facts from fiction. However, the opposite seems to be true.
The internet propels and gives momentum to conspiracy theories. Due to the ease of access and massive outreach of social networking sites, controversies thrive and absurd ideas become plentiful. It is easy to be bombarded with tons of information and be overloaded with news, however at the expense of miring the brain and inhibiting it from sifting the content judiciously.

This can only be the plausible explanation for President Obama’s decision to make his birth certificate public. When a quarter of the country is ambivalent about his nationality, it seems to be the natural course of action. As President Obama urged his opponents to move beyond this silliness and tackle the real issues that merit attention, one can only hope for the best. One could not agree more with Adam Serwer that it was never really about the nationality issue. Some people have never accepted that fact that a Black President sits at the helm of the White House and in light of this current issue, it seems utterly futile to expect them to reconcile.

Whereas this issue asserts the fact that bias and prejudice are inevitable and can never be completely eliminated from a society, it gives solace to know that the United States has the distinct honor, undoubtedly has strong systems in place to thwart such absurdities. Ultimately logic will triumph.

Donald Trump has apparently helped President Obama and the Democratic Party by taking on this frivolous issue. Now that the whole world has actually ‘seen’ President Obama’s birth certificate, Trump’s true intentions lay bare.

Read original post here: Birthers- An embarrassment to the country?

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  1. Jakarta: extremist group recruits students to target Christians and introduce shariah


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