Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pakistan: Protesters calls for the closure of Ahmadi community mosque

Anonymous banners were pasted across Rawalpindi over the past few days, demanding that the Ahmadi community should leave the Satellite Town area. The banners said the activities of the Ahmadis went against Pakistan''s Constitution...

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: MSN | Press Trust of India
By PTI | January 30, 2011

Islamabad: (PTI) Thousands of people, including members of extremist groups, joined a protest against Ahmadis in the Pakistani garrison city of Rawalpindi today and called for the closure of a mosque of the minority community.

The protesters claimed the Ahmadi community had illegally established the mosque.

The protest, organised by the Jamaat-ud-Dawah, was held in Satellite Town near Holy Family Hospital.

The protesters claimed the "Ewane Tauheed" of the Ahmadis was located in a residential area and had been built without official permission.

Leaders of local traders'' associations and the JuD addressed the gathering.

Members of the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba militant group joined the protest.

The banned Lashkar-e-Taiba too had extended support to the protest, media reports said.

Traders and clerics who addressed the gathering openly called for "aggression" against the Ahmadis, witnesses said.

Ghafoor Paracha, a leader of a traders'' association, warned Ahmadis that they would have to face the consequences if they did not remain within their limits.

However, leaders of the Ahmadi community have said the mosque was built after the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya, a registered organisation, purchased the land and obtained all the required permits from local authorities.

Protests against the mosque have created tension among the Ahmadi community, which has been targeted in a string of terrorist attacks in recent years.

Anonymous banners were pasted across Rawalpindi over the past few days, demanding that the Ahmadi community should leave the Satellite Town area.

The banners said the activities of the Ahmadis went against Pakistan''s Constitution, which declares that members of the community are non-Muslims.

Read original post here: Protesters calls for the closure of Ahmadi community mosque


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AR4j8fpzfvA

    CAIR are a bunch of hypocrites. They never complain when Ahmadi Muslims are killed or persecuted at the hands of other Muslims but this incident has given CAIR opportunity to get in the news and do politics and so CAIR is portending to suddenly have developed sympathy for Ahmadis. Is there any level that these bigots will not stoop to?

  2. http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/01/31/chantilly-mosque-vandalized/


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