Tuesday, January 31, 2012

UK: Ahmadiyya Muslim Qu'ran exhibition may be picketed by extremists

“Islam is often misrepresented and unfortunately there have been occasions where the Qur’an has been burned. People may not agree with the teachings of Islam, but at least they will be able to know what it really stands for.”

Ahmadiyya Qura'n exhibitions are held worldwide
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: The Press News | UK
By  The Press News | January 31, 2012

Qu'ran exhibition picket protest...

A PICKET may be held outside Dewsbury Town Hall when an exhibition about the Qu’ran is held.

The display, by the Spen Valley branch of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Associat-ion (AMA), was put on hold last month over fears other Muslims would protest.

It was originally due to be held on Saturday December 3 but safety concerns, which have now been resolved by police, led to the postponement.

The AMA, which has members across the district, claims to be the oldest established Muslim community in the country and is dedicated to promoting peace and respect.

Ahmadiyya Muslims have differing beliefs on Islamic prophets to other sects, who don't believe them to be 'true' Muslims and sometimes protest against their activities.

The exhibition runs from 12noon tomorrow at the town hall and it is believed that members of the Kirklees Imams Mosque Advisory board (KIMAB) may be involved in a picket outside.

Police will be on duty, though an AMA exhibition in Huddersfield passed off without incident last weekend.

A Kirklees Police spokesman said: “We are aware that a small protest may take place by KIMAB, but this will be more of a picket line.”

He added officers were stressing to traders and shoppers that it would be ‘business as usual’ in Dewsbury town centre.

Inside, visitors to the exhibition will be able to talk with AMA members about the Qu’ran and the Islamic faith over refreshments.

AMA Spen Valley branch vice-chairman Arif Ahmad said the display was about explaining to people what the Qu’ran is actually about.

He said everyone is welcome to attend and added: “We invite people to come to the event and see for themselves what really is in the Holy Qur’an.

“Islam is often misrepresented and unfortunately there have been occasions where the Qur’an has been burned.

“People may not agree with the teachings of Islam, but at least they will be able to know what it really stands for.”

Read original post here: Qu'ran exhibition picket protest...

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