Friday, February 3, 2012

Paraguay: Ahmadiyya Muslim community disseminates peaceful message of Islam

Ahmadiyya Muslim community of Islam, founded in 1889 by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908), recently established in our country, Paraguay, organized a conference at Gustavo near 2052 Crovatto Japan, Republican district.

Tariq Bhatti, Nadeem Ahmad Tahir and Wasim Ahmad Zafar briefed
ABC about the establishment of a new branch in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Photo: ABC Digital.
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: ABC Digital | Paraguay
By Staff reporter | February 2, 2011

The recently established branch of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community of Islam in Paraguay organized a special conference in the Republican district.

The talk was led by the President of the Ahmadiyya Community of Brazil, Wasim Ahmad Zafar, who is on his first visit to Paraguay from his headquarters in Brazil.

The visitor addressed issues such as the real Islam: a religion of peace and love, and the Promised Messiah has arrived.

According to organizers, Islam is a religion of peace and love. Its founder was the Prophet Mohammad and the Holy Quran is its holy book, wherein they find the foundation of their faith.

Islam is the final form of the religion that was initiated by God with Adam and the message was carried forward by each of the prophets; as Noah, Moses, and Jesus, among others. When the prophet Mohammad completed this religion, God gave it the name of Islam.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is an international religious organization established in all continents. It is considered the most dynamic group in modern history.

Mirza Ghulam is considered a reformer and latter-day messiah awaited by all religious communities in the world. The movement began a conciliatory message digest in its original purity: peace, universal brotherhood and submission to the will of God. This movement rejects the use of religion to create violence in the world.

   -- Adpated from ABC Digital reports
  -- Information: Courtesy - Dr. Waseem A. Sayed.

Read original post here: Ahmadiyya Muslim community disseminates the message of Islam

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