Friday, September 28, 2012

Muslim leader calls for peace, limits to insulting speech

“Each religion has respect for their own prophet. Christians respect Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. But sometimes ignorant clergymen use people for their own personal gains. Prophet Mohammed never taught us to go out in the street and create violence.”

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Metro News
By  Graham Lanktree | September 28, 2012

After weeks of violence erupted over an amateur video criticizing the Muslim faith, members of Ottawa’s Islamic community will call for an end to the violence and limits to free speech at a meeting Saturday.

“It is against the teachings of Islam to burn flags, burn property and kill people – including an ambassador,” said Imtiaz Ahmed, an Islamic missionary and community leader. “There is a fine line between freedom of speech and hurting people’s sentiments. When we hurt people we have to draw a line on freedom of speech.”

Ahmed hopes to draw a crowd of 400 members of Ottawa’s Ahmadi community, a small Muslim sect persecuted in Pakistan, to share the message of rejecting violence.

“The best way to react is to pray to God the almighty for his help and be a role model,” he said. “Violence is not a solution to anything. We also condemn the video produced in America and the cartoons in France.”

On Sept. 21, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, a spiritual leader of the Ahmadi, called for limits to free speech so that the religious sentiments of all people are protected.

“We are grateful the Canadian government has given us freedom to practice our faith,” Ahmed said. “In my country we can’t even call ourselves Muslims,” he noted in reference to numerous and regular attacks on Pakistan’s 2 to 5 million Ahmadi.

“Each religion has respect for their own prophet. Christians respect Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,” he said. “But sometimes ignorant clergymen use people for their own personal gains. Prophet Mohammed never taught us to go out in the street and create violence.”

Imtiaz Ahmed will lead a talk condemning violence Saturday, Sept. 29 at 5 p.m. at 2610 Market St. in Cumberland.

Read original post here: Muslim leader calls for peace, limits to speech over incendiary video

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