Monday, September 17, 2012

Point of view: Think not evil of others

One of God’s attributes is Forgiveness as He is the Merciful Gracious God who overlooks the faults of others. If God punishes people for every fault or sin then no one will remain on this earth. Muslims must follow such attributes of God which improve their lives and make them compassionate to others.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Ahmadiyya Times | Baitul Hameed Mosque
ByImam Shamshad A. Nasir | September 10, 2012

Islam teaches that peace should be maintained within one’s self and his community. When we think evil against others it creates disorder within one’s self and if pursued, will multiply into unrest in society. Peace in society is closely linked with tolerance and forbearance therefore one should not think ill of others especially his enemies. God instructed us in the Holy Qur'an to pardon and forgive others for their faults and mistakes, however if a perpetrator crosses his limits, then one is permitted to take action equivalent to but not greater than the injury sustained. Forgiveness which leads to reformation is better than revenge or retribution.

One of God’s attributes is Forgiveness as He is the Merciful Gracious God who overlooks the faults of others. If God punishes people for every fault or sin then no one will remain on this earth. Muslims must follow such attributes of God which improve their lives and make them compassionate to others.

The Holy Prophet of Islam set many examples and left many instructions to his followers on how they should live truthful and successful lives. In one Tradition, he said, “Do not be jealous of one another, and do not increase prices to harm one another. Do not hold grudges against one another and do not shun one another. Do not strike a deal on top of a deal made by your brother. Become servants of God and brothers to one another. A Muslim does not oppress another Muslim nor does he degrade another Muslim. Pointing to his chest the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Righteousness is here”. He repeated these words thrice then he said, “It is unfortunate enough for a man that he views his Muslim brother scornfully. Every Muslim’s blood, wealth, and honor are unlawful for another Muslim and are sacred.”

Such examples can also be found in the practices of the Messiah and Mehdi, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community who said, “If you want that God be pleased with you in heaven unite and be one like two brothers of the same mother. Nobler is he among you who forgives the sins of his brother more than others and doomed is he who is stubborn and does not forgive. The wicked cannot attain God’s nearness nor can the arrogant. Neither the tyrant nor the one who breaks trust can attain nearness to Him. Each unchaste eye is remote from Him.  Each impure heart knows Him not. Those who remain in agony for His cause will be delivered from the fire of Hell. He who weeps for Him will laugh at last and he who breaks away from the world for His sake will meet Him. Be God’s friend will all your heart, in sincerity, gaining His nearness with ever growing zeal. Be kind to your subordinates, to your wives and to your less fortunate brothers so that you may be shown kindness in Heaven. Become truly His and He will belong to you.”

If everyone follows the examples of the prophets, then he will not think evil of others but do his utmost in showing kindness and love to them. He will become more tolerant and forgiving which enables him to become trustworthy and improve his own spirituality.

  -- Ahmadiyya Times
  -- By Imam Shamshad Nasir

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