Friday, September 21, 2012

UK: British Muslim youth group denounces anti-Islam film

It would be unfortunate if the perception of the Prophet Muhammad was shaped by the fleeting anger of pockets of Muslims in distant lands and not by the tireless efforts of thousands of loyal British Muslims for the betterment of this great nation.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Oye! Time | News
By Adam Walker | September 21, 2012

 The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association UK (AMYA) unequivocally denounces the hurtful and misguided anti-Islam film ”Innocence of Muslims.” The film represents a grossly unprincipled use of the right to freedom of speech and a flagrant attempt to incite the emotions of a large proportion of the world.

The right to free speech is a cornerstone of Western democracy and should not be exploited. The use of “free speech” as a cover for an intentionally crude, provocative and factually inaccurate portrayal of the life of a figure revered by many undermines the very spirit of free speech.

The Prophet Muhammad is the most beloved and revered person for well over 1.6 billion inhabitants of world. To attack his noble life and character, or that of any of the founders of the world’s great religions, in such a vile manner is both reprehensible and clearly calculated.

Nevertheless, AMYA would also like to denounce the disproportionate and un-Islamic reaction to the film which continues to rage across the Muslim world. The Prophet Muhammad is the example par-excellence for Muslims and in the face of abuse directed at himself always reacted peacefully by either removing himself from the situation or responding with reasoned intellect. Accordingly, this has been the consistent approach of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Outlining this, the Caliph of Islam, the world-wide head of the Community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, stated in 2006:

”I also say this to those who are known as Muslims, any, whether or not they are Ahmadis, Shias or Sunnis or belong to any other sects of Islam; when the person of the Holy Prophet is attacked, rather than exhibiting momentary passion, burning flags, causing damage and destruction and attacking embassies, reform their deeds instead… Do they believe that setting fires, God forbid, is all that demonstrates the honour and station of the Holy Prophet, and by burning flags or burning the property of an embassy they have had their reprisal? No! We are followers of the Holy Prophet, who came to put the fire out, who was the Ambassador of Love, was the Prince of Peace. So rather than take harsh actions, impart his beautiful teaching to the World.”

With this in mind, the thousands of young British Muslims who make up AMYA UK have been, for more than 30 years, working tirelessly across the country to contribute towards the progress of Great Britain. In this year alone, their efforts have included Muslim youth donating over a thousand units of blood (sufficient to save more than three thousand lives), the raising of close to a quarter of a million pounds for British charities (including £25,000 for the Royal British Legion), and the feeding of thousands of people at homeless hostels across the UK.

AMYA UK continues to emphasise the importance of inter-communal cooperation as a means of establishing peace and harmony. This requires mutual respect between communities and religions and the dignified treatment of their values and beliefs.

It would be unfortunate if the perception of the Prophet Muhammad was shaped by the fleeting anger of pockets of Muslims in distant lands and not by the tireless efforts of thousands of loyal British Muslims for the betterment of this great nation.

Read original post here: British Muslim youth group denounces anti-Islam film

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