Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Canada: Show presents positive message of the Prophet and Islam

The story made its debut at Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto. After sold out events there, Vancouver, Alberta, Windsor and Brampton, it came to Peterborough, on the anniversary of what happened in Libya. It will continue in North York in two weekends.

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Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Peterborough Examiner
By Dale Clifford | November 10, 2013

A positive message of the prophet Muhammad, the Muslim religion, and who this man really was continues to make its way across the country.

Presented by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Muhammad – the Astonishing Story of the Prophet made its stage presence before a packed house of 650 people at the Showplace Performance Centre on Sunday night.

The presentations, which are open free to the public, feature monologues from Muslims explaining Muhammad's life and teachings, as well as songs performed by children's choirs, other live performances, digitized reconstruction of historical events and key note talk from renowned author and humanitarian Ataul Wahid Lahaye.

According to Safwan Choudhry, in charge of event relations, the presentation was in response to an infamous Youtube video which shocked the world and led to the death with ties to extremism of the US ambassador to Libya. Pictorial depictions of Muhammad are prohibited in the religion, but a number of cartoons of him have been published in western publications in recent years.

“It (the presentation) is about Muhammad, the man himself and what he was really like,” said Choudhry. “It is not a religious event. He was a good man, a man of peace. He did not believe in violence. It is an opportunity to learn more about him, the human side of him, and Islam. Islam is about having love for all and hatred for none. With this we have been trying to raise awareness in a number of communities and cities. It is also sent to Muslims so they can see how they should react in a peaceful way.’’

Choudhry also spoke of Muslims being proud Canadians, of also believing in Jesus, Moses and Abraham, and how Prime Minster Stephen Harper and American President Barack Obama denounced acts of terrorism around the world, including what happened in Libya.

The story made its debut at Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto. After sold out events there, Vancouver, Alberta, Windsor and Brampton, it came to Peterborough, on the anniversary of what happened in Libya. It will continue in North York in two weekends.

“We chose Peterborough because is an authentic Canadian city known for its Canadian values,” said Choudhry with a smile. “We were very grateful to be here.”


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