Monday, July 28, 2014

Pakistan: Ahmedis burned to death

We are sadly accustomed to seeing and hearing news of Ahmedis being targeted and murdered by fanatical extremists. We are used to living in a country where it is routine to hear clerics scream and rage about how it is justified to kill the infidel Ahmedis.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Daily Times
By Daily Times | July 29, 2014

Just when we thought we had seen every kind of apathy and savagery in Pakistan, we reach new lows and demonstrate, once again, just how inhumane we can be. A woman and two minor children belonging to the minority Ahmedi community have been killed in Arafat Colony, Gujranwala by an angry mob. The reason cited to be behind this shameful incident was alleged blasphemy by an Ahmedi man, Saqib, who was accused of sharing a ‘blasphemous’ picture on Facebook. This was enough to enrage the crowds and make them gather around the house of a doctor in the colony who they were told was protecting the accused. The angry mob torched the house and others, resulting in these unfortunate deaths. About 12 other people were injured. So far, no one has been arrested for this barbaric act. What was even more disturbing was the news coverage of the incident showing video footage of the mob rejoicing, dancing and celebrating after setting the houses ablaze. What has this society become?

What we are seeing now is a systemic witch-hunt against the Ahmedi community. We are sadly accustomed to seeing and hearing news of Ahmedis being targeted and murdered by fanatical extremists. We are used to living in a country where it is routine to hear clerics scream and rage about how it is justified to kill the infidel Ahmedis. Now we are seeing lynch mobs up in arms against this peaceful minority. That an allegation of blasphemy was used to perpetrate this crime comes as no surprise to those of us who have our eyes and ears open to this crime. Blasphemy is an easily abused calling card for all those who wish to exact revenge or carry out personal vendettas against enemies; that it is used against the Ahmedi community all too often has become a pattern. An innocent woman and a five-year-old and eight-month-old child have been killed in cold blood and the murderers have danced to the tune of their deaths. How will the government let this one go? Despite the regular murder of Ahmedis in Pakistan, the government and law enforcement agencies have done absolutely nothing to curb the rising hate. Their hands are stained with blood just as much as the actual criminals themselves. Why has the blasphemy law not been amended to safeguard the minorities against abuse? Why are we so desensitised to the barbarity we have subjected them to? Will these latest murders do anything to change our indifference to the issue?

Read original post here: Pakistan: Ahmedis burned to death

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