Thursday, September 3, 2015

Australia: Imam Janud presents paper at University of New England

He said that societies which fail to uphold the principle justice can never have lasting peace. Peaceful societies lead to peaceful nations which can eventually translate into peaceful world.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | AU Desk
Source/Credit: AMA Victoria, Australia
By Press Release | September 3, 2015

On 28 August 2015, Imam Wadood Janud of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Victoria presented a lecture on the Islamic perspective on world peace at a three-day peace conference organised by the University of New England (UNE).

Around 100 academics and scholars from all over Australia attended the Peace Studies Conference held at UNE Future Campus, in Parramatta. The theme of the conference was, “Questioning peace formation and peace infrastructure.”

Imam Janud began his lecture by speaking on the current situation and climate of the world, he said:
“It is no secret that the world is going through rough and unsettling times. In some form or another our planet is affected by economic instability, political strife and warfare. Uprisings, revolts and civil discords are abounding in third world countries, where peace is already a rare commodity. Social and personal peace is non-existent thanks to corruption, poverty, injustice and religious extremism.
In the first world, where we live in peace and security, there seems to be a deficiency of inner peace. Materialism and the pursuit of the ‘American Dream’ have driven many to the abyss of despair and misery. In this increasingly bleak world, we are in dire need of peace.”
Imam Janud explained that the long journey of World Peace has to start from personal level.

He said:
“Before we can discuss world peace we have to look at ourselves; for if we are in a state of restlessness and conflict our efforts in establishing world peace will be futile. One cannot be sick and set out to cure others. Hence, Islam advises a person to be at peace with himself first by recognizing God. In the Qur’an God says ‘Indeed it is in the remembrance of God that your hearts will find peace’. (13:28)
 His holiness, caliph of Islam Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad commented on this very point, he said ‘“Whenever I reflect upon this particular point, I realise that I believe in that One God who is the Lord of all nations, all races and all religions, and so it becomes impossible that I could ever develop any hatred in my heart for any nation, any race or any religion.”
Imam Janud further discussed the importance of true justice in establishing world peace. He explained the Islam and Qur’an has always taught that true justice should be maintained and upheld even if it be against your parents, relatives or loved ones.

He said that societies which fail to uphold the principle justice can never have lasting peace. Peaceful societies lead to peaceful nations which can eventually translate into peaceful world.

In the three-day conference various academics and theorists discussed a variety of topics on peace infrastructure as the new paradigm of peace and conflict studies.

After the conference, Imam Janud met personally with several academics and students from UNE’s School of Humanity.

  -- Australia: Imam Janud presents a paper at the University of New England

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