Friday, September 11, 2015

Perspective: Giving blood, not taking it | Muslims for Life campaign

The blood drives as well as service projects, such as with the North Texas Food Bank, have come in partnership with other faith-based entities such as churches and synagogues, and secular and atheist organizations.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: The Dallad Morning News
By Irtiza Sheikh / Haseeb Sheikh | September 10, 2015

Fourteen years ago on Sept. 11, 2001, a tragedy shook the foundations of not only buildings, but of society worldwide. A generation has been raised in a decade of two wars and violent conflicts. Islamophobia has also affected innocent children and families across Western civilization.

In the confusion regarding the tenants of Islam, a new movement took hold by the Ahamdiyya Muslim Community, a faith-based organization with the objective of spreading the peaceful message of Islam through community service.

For the past four years, the organization has held blood drives in more than 150 cities across the Untied States. These drives, called Muslims for Life, commemorate those who lost their lives on 9/11. Collections have totaled nearly 40,000 bags of blood, which have the potential to save 120,000 lives.

The blood drives as well as service projects, such as with the North Texas Food Bank, have come in partnership with other faith-based entities such as churches and synagogues, and secular and atheist organizations.

We would like each and every American to know that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community will continue to sacrifice and provide for the country we call home.

Irtiza Sheikh, Irving
Haseeb Sheikh, Allen

Read original post here: Giving blood, not taking it

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