Sunday, December 20, 2015

Perspective: Jihad has no place in modern world | Abdul Aziz

The Quran in no way suggests carrying out senseless killing and terrorism in this country or any other country.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Record Searchlight
By Abul Aziz | December 19, 2015

Recent terrorist activities in San Bernardino and Paris and Donald Trump's opinion that Muslims should be barred from entering the United States have raised a very serious question in the minds of U.S. citizens. What is this religion of Islam whose followers undertake such heinous activities against their fellow humans?

The best way to know Islam is to understand the Quran. Any practice undertaken by Muslims that is against the dictates of the Quran is un-Islamic. ISIS or Al-Qaeda, who are calling their activities Jihad, need analyzing. Are they in accordance with the Quran and can Islam be blamed?

Jihad has two aspects: to fight one's own evil inclinations and to use the sword against those who turn Muslims out of their homes and attack them simply because they say "We worship Allah alone." The Promised Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the founder of Ahmadiyya movement in Islam, said these verses make it clear that in this day and age Jihad using the sword is invalid. The required conditions do not prevail anywhere today. True, Muslims in some places are being evicted from their homes or attacked, but not for being Muslims. The causes are political or economic.

How can a Muslim carry out Jihad against the United States specifically? The Quran in no way suggests carrying out senseless killing and terrorism in this country or any other country. This blessed nation has provided immense help to Muslims all over the world. America saved the Bosnian Muslims from annihilation by the Serbs. When Pakistan was ravaged by earthquake and floods this country set up hospitals, provided food and rescued hundreds of thousands. Muslims all over the world, if they really follow the Quran, must say "God bless America."

Read original post here: Perspective: Jihad has no place in modern world | Abdul Aziz

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