Saturday, August 27, 2016

Canada: Muslim group hopes to open dialogue about Islam in the Bow Valley

One of their main diversions from other Muslim sects is that they believe the second coming of the Messiah has already occurred in the person of their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, in the late 19th century.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Bow Valley Crag & Canyon
By Daniel Katz | August 26, 2016

Youth members of the Calgary chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community are coming to Canmore and Banff to answer questions and clear up any misconceptions town residents may have about the world's second-largest religion.

 On Monday, the group will be in Canmore walking the streets downtown and Tuesday afternoon they will arrive in Banff at the Banff Public Library to meet and chat with community members about Islam.

“TheAhmadiyyaa Muslim Community is a newer branch within Islam,” said AMC spokesperson Akbar Ali. “We're vocal that Islam is all about peace. Our main slogan is 'love for all, hatred for none'.”

Adherents to Ahmadiyya categorically reject terrorism and jihad of all forms. They also endorse the separation of mosque and state.

One of their main diversions from other Muslim sects is that they believe the second coming of the Messiah has already occurred in the person of their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, in the late 19th century.

The AMC's mission in the Bow Valley is not one of conversion, but rather to be informative and dialogical.

In Canmore, the group will have t-shirts and signs exhibiting their message and slogan, and in Banff they hope to set up a small exhibition inside the library from 12-5 p.m. with banners, literature and refreshments.

“We just want the public to have a chance to have their questions answered,” said Ali, noting that world religions expert and imam of Canada's largest mosque, Imam Shahrukh Abid of the Baitun Nur Mosque in Calgary, will be present as well to chat with attendees.

At other similar gatherings the AMC has held around Calgary, Ali says they receive a range of responses from the public, from the inquisitive to the more hostile.

The purpose of coming to the Bow Valley is to expose the communiies to a culture they otherwise might not be familiar with. Some topics the AMC is willing to broach include providing clarity on messages found in the Quran, the Muslim holy book, which have been misconstrued in the media, as well as questions surrounding the burqa and hijab, women's rights in Muslim countries and Islam's stance on homosexuality.

“We're willing to talk about anything,” said Ali. “It's the contemporary issues that people end up asking, the things that are more relevant to what's going on in the world. We're honestly ready for any type of questions ... because our main objective here is to show that Islam is a religion of peace and trying to put peace within society at individual levels, national levels and internationally.”

Read original post here: Canada: Muslim group hopes to open dialogue about Islam in the Bow Valley

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