Friday, July 2, 2010

Faith & Logic: This focus on One God is why I am a Muslim.

Q: Why do you do what you do?  Why are you committed to bringing people to God?

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | US Desk
Source & Credit: Ahmadiyya Times | July 2, 2010
By Imam Shamshad A. Nasir | Jonathan M.A. Ghaffar

Because we believe that God exists and that we have a higher, spiritual purpose in life -- that our existence is not meant to be just our physical, worldly life, but that, ultimately, we are meant to have a spiritual life in God.

In the world, there are two main beliefs when it comes to a Higher Power.  There IS one, or there is NOT one.

If you DON’T believe in a Higher Power, the meaning or purpose for your existence is bounded solely by what you can perceive by your senses or understand with your brain -- both of which are very limited in ability.

While it is true that man is endowed with a built-in sense of “right and wrong” so he is capable of knowing good from evil and choosing to do good or evil, but it also quite obvious that left to own carnal passions and low desires -- without a refined moral understanding -- a person will choose selfish-ness over self-less-ness.

The foundation of all true religious teachings is to choose to be self-less, to give and do for others, and to conquer your selfish, or lower, animal nature.  And this becomes one of the “proofs” for the existence of God, because left to our own selfish desires -- rooted in our self-preservation and need to eat and procreate -- we would be immoral and do evil if it got us what we need.

But if you look at the core beliefs of all world religions, you will find the same teachings of not doing evil like murder, theft, lying, etc. but to strive in doing good for others, obeying your parents and the laws of your society – which ultimately come from God’s Laws – and above all else, is the commandment to love and serve just One God, not anything in this world, man-made or natural.

This focus on One God is why I am a Muslim.

-- Edited by Jonathan M.A. Ghaffar

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