Monday, July 11, 2011

UK: Royal visits Wandsworth as part of London garden tour

He was given a tour around the mosque's garden's and also viewed the private gardens of the organisation’s leader Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who also has a keen interest in horticulture.

Photo: Your Local Guardian
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Your Local Guardian
By James Trueman | July 11, 2011

Prince Edward paid a visit to Wandsworth in his role as patron of the London Garden's Society.

As part of his tour he first visited the headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community at the London Mosque in Southfields' Gressenhall Road.

He was given a tour around the mosque's garden's and also viewed the private gardens of the organisation’s leader Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who also has a keen interest in horticulture.

He also had a guided tour of the mosque and learnt something of the history of the Ahmadiyya community.

The Earl then made his way to Clapham's Trinity Hospice where he met Trinity’s volunteer gardeners, Jane Fletcher, Tim Goffe, Rob Williamson, Patricia Lillywhite and Sophie Smith and was shown around its award-winning gardens.

The hospice's chairman, Derek Wyatt, said: “It was a very great pleasure to welcome the Earl of Wessex as patron of the London Garden Society. This is well-deserved recognition for our staff gardener and the volunteer gardeners who do so much great work for Trinity.

"Our beautiful gardens are an important part of life here at the hospice, for patients and staff, and even a heavy downpour didn’t spoil the visit.”

Read original post here: Royal visits Wandsworth as part of London garden tour

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