Sunday, January 8, 2012

Humanity First Haiti Director Travels to Panama with Loyola Global Brigade Volunteers

This is Dr. Bell’s second mission with the Loyola Global Brigades. In 2011, he traveled to Honduras with a Loyola University of Chicago Global Brigade team on a medical mission.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Humanity First USA
By Saifra S. Khan | January 8, 2011

Doctor and volunteers to provide free medical and dental care to local communities

Chicago, IL, January 08, 2012 --( Dr. Clayton Bell, Humanity First USA Country Director to Haiti, is assisting a Loyola University of Chicago medical and dental brigade as they provide medical assistance in El Tirao, Panama. The volunteer team of 41 undergraduate students and one medical student will be providing free medical and dental care to the Embera and Latin communities.

Global Brigades has chosen these communities due to the lack of access to heath care. Because this is the first time that a brigade has been sent to these communities, the team is hoping to not only provide the medical assistance that is needed, but also to stabilize the community as future brigades arrive.

This is Dr. Bell’s second mission with the Loyola Global Brigades. In 2011, he traveled to Honduras with a Loyola University of Chicago Global Brigade team on a medical mission.

Dr. Bell has been working with Humanity First USA since early 2010, when he traveled to Haiti on a medical reconnaissance mission. With his help, Humanity First USA was able to establish the Cloud Forest Medical Clinic in Seguin, Haiti in cooperation with the Haitian Christian Outreach and Where the Stars Still Shine in June 2010. In April 2011, Dr. Bell, along with Jeff Crawford and Kyle Martin, fundraised over $30,000 in a five week cross-country cycling trip.

Humanity First USA was established in 2004 and has served in human development areas and disaster crises across the nation and globe. For more information about Humanity First USA and the Gift of Sight program, please visit

Read original post here: Humanity First Haiti Director Travels to Panama with Loyola Global Brigade Volunteers

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