Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Jalsa Salana UK 2012: 46th Annual Convention of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at

Thus, we must focus towards that desire of the Promised Messiah (as) that he held in his heart, which he expressed in these words: Pay attention towards your afterlife, rather than focusing on this world.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Calgary Ahmadiyya Muslim Examiner
By Deeba Chaudhry | September 2, 2012

“Jalsa Salana United Kingdom 2012” the 46th Annual Convention will be held by the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at on 7th, 8th and 9th of September, 2012 in Hadeeqa-tul-Mahdi. This Annual Convention “Jalsa Salana” is United Kingdom’s biggest annual Islamic Convention. The hospitality period for the Jalsa Salana`s guests from around the world is from the 31st of August, 2012 till 15th September, 2012. This three-day annual convention will be attended up to 30,000 people from the UK and around the world who will gather to reinforce their Islamic beliefs, enhance their religious knowledge and strengthen their ties. According to Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at UK’s Dr. Basharat Nazir, this year the Jalsa Salana date has moved from its usual slot at the end of July to early September due to a clash with the blessed month of Ramadan Kareem.

Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian, India, who under Divine inspiration announced in May, 1891 that he was the Promised Messiah and Mahdi awaited by the Muslims and believers of all major religions. Later on the same year the Promised Messiah (as) decided to hold the first Jalsa Salana. Accordingly the first Annual Conference was held from December 27th to 29th at the Aqsa Mosque in Qadian. Only 75 members attended that year, next year 327 members attended the Jalsa Salana, and the last Jalsa Salana attended by the Promised Messiah (as) in 1907 there were two thousand participants. The last annual gathering that was held in Rabwah in 1983, more than two hundred thousand attended the blessed meeting.

This Annual Convention has been held since then every year in many countries of the world like the UK, Germany, India, Canada, & the USA. As the Khalifatul Masih, the worldwide head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is now residing in London, the UK Annual Convention has turned into a foremost attraction for members of the Movement. In July 1989 almost fourteen thousand people took part in the Conference, while in 1998 seventeen thousand faithful rolled in from fifty-nine countries. In July 2000 over twenty-one thousand members from seventy-six countries attended the Jalsa Salana. Hadhrat Khalifatul Messih`s inspirational addresses were translated simultaneously into seven languages. Two African kings, two British members of Parliament, and one Norwegian member of Parliament also attended. The Kings were honoured with pieces of blessed garments of the Promised Messiah (as). Over 32,000 members took part in the Jalsa Salana held in Germany in August 2000. The UK Jalsa Salana attracted 22,000 members in July 2000, while 12 thousand members took part in the Canadian Annual Conference in 2003. The attendance of Jalsa Salana held in different parts of the world continues to grow.

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba), Khalifatul Messih V of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat said about the Jalsa Salana that the annual conventions held in different countries around the world were initially inaugurated by the Promised Messiah (as). The purpose of these conventions is that the participants gain the blessings that will lead them to a better life in this world and in the Hereafter. These blessings can only be reaped by attaining a truly high standard of “Taqwa“ (Righteousness) in our lives. The Promised Messiah (as) expected that each and every participant of Jalsa Salana shall attain this high standard of Taqwa in his or her life and express his intense dislike towards those participants who did not take any measures to attain this standard of Taqwa. Thus, these conventions are a source of great blessings, and for a true Ahmadi Muslim, these should also instil a sense of fear, such that Allah Almighty has provided him yet again with an opportunity to gain nearness to Him, to revive his faith, to amass the blessings associated with this auspicious occasion.

He further said that these blessings can only be attained by continuous efforts in progress in Taqwa lest he should slip downwards. If a Ahmadi Muslim truly understands the blessings of Jalsa Salana and then makes every effort to receive these blessings, and accumulates the transformations that each Annual Convention bring about in him, then he will progress towards a new standard in Taqwa each year, which will eventually lead him to the point where the Promised Messiah (as) wished to see us. Thus, we must focus towards that desire of the Promised Messiah (as) that he held in his heart, which he expressed in these words: Pay attention towards your afterlife, rather than focusing on this world. He emphasized that one must inculcate Taqwa in his heart. What is Taqwa? Taqwa means that one must fulfil the obligations and duties towards Allah Almighty and towards his fellow human beings with a fear of His displeasure in one’s heart.

Among the duties and obligations towards Allah Almighty, the first and foremost is His worship, and among the acts of worship, the first and foremost is the performance of Salat. The Holy Prophet (saw) says that salat is the essence of worship. Hadhrat Khalifatul Messih (aba) said that participants in this Jalsa should pay special attention to the offering of Salat, more specifically to offering Salat in congregation. During these days of Jalsa, pray to Allah Almighty that He may enable everyone to implement regular offering of Salat in their lives in the most excellent manner.

May God Almighty be with all those who are coming to attend the Jalsa Salana UK 2012 and that He may grant them great rewards and He may show mercy and His grace.

Read original post here: Jalsa Salana UK 2012: 46th Annual Convention of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at

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