Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Netherlands: Wilders to air cartoons of Prophet Muhammad on Dutch TV

Political parties in the Netherlands get a small amount of airtime each year and broadcasting authorities have no say in what the parties show.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Al Jazeera
By Al Jazeera | July 5, 2015

Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders says he will show images of Prophet Muhammad during airtime allocated to his party.

Anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders has said he plans to show cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad on Dutch television after the country's parliament refused to display them.

Wilders said on Wednesday that he would show the images during television airtime reserved for political parties, in a move likely to offend Muslims since Islamic tradition holds that any physical depiction of the prophet is blasphemous.

Political parties in the Netherlands get a small amount of airtime each year and broadcasting authorities have no say in what the parties show.

Wilders said the broadcast would likely take place in the next few weeks, but an exact date has yet to be confirmed.

The announcement came a month after Wilders gave a speech at a contest in Garland, Texas, for cartoon depictions of the prophet.

Shortly after Wilders left the event, it was targeted by two men with pistols and assault rifles. Security guards shot and killed the attackers.

Read original post here: Wilders to air cartoons of Prophet Muhammad on Dutch TV

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