Thursday, October 22, 2015

UK: Ahmadiyya Bangla Desk commemorates life and character of the Prophet Muhammad

Quoting various verses from the Holy Quran and citing several examples from the life of the Holy Prophet, Mawlana Alam reminded the audience to adopt the excellent traits of the Holy Prophet's characters. 

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: AMA - UK Bangla Desk
By Staff Report | October 20, 2015

London: Bangla Department of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK organised a discussion meeting on 18th October 2015 in London on the life of the Holy Founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, on whom be peace.

The meeting organized at Baitul Ahad Mosque on Tudor Road, London, was held on 18th October 2015.

Dr Abdullah Zakaria, who presided over the program, welcomed the attendees and highlighted the need and importance to adopt the model of the Holy Prophet in today’s unsettling world.

A non-Ahmadi Muslim friend of the community, Advocate Mohammad Halim Bepari, related his experience of preforming Hajj (Pilgrimage) in Mecca performance.

Mr Mohammad Abdul Hadi, former In-Charge of Bangla Department UK also made a speech on experience of his Pilgrimage performance.

Mawlana Ahmad Tareque Mubasher of Central Bangla Desk gave swpoke about the Holy Prophet in the eyes of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mehdi.

Mawlana Mubasher said that, in his writings, the Promised Messiah has highly praised and made a high appreciation of the Holy Prophet. Mawlana Mubasher quoted various comments and remarks made by the Promised Messiah in praise of the Master Prophet Muhammad.  

Mawlana Feroz Alam, In-Charge of Central Bangla Desk spoke on the exemplary character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. Quoting various verses from the Holy Quran and citing several examples from the life of the Holy Prophet, Mawlana Alam reminded the audience to adopt the excellent traits of the Holy Prophet's characters.

A question answer session followed and Mawlana Feroz Alam gave answers to the questions asked by the audience.

A good number of men and wome attended the discussion including more than 60 non-Ahmadi Bengali guests.

In the end, Mawlana Feroz Alam closed the meeting and led the participants in silent prayers.

Food was served to the participants.

Edited by Ahmadiyya Times
With files from Mansoor Ahmad, Secretary - Bangla Department UK

-- UK: Ahmadiyya Bangla Desk commemorate life and character of the Prophet Muhammad

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