Wednesday, October 21, 2015

British Ahmadi Muslims Welcome the Prime Minister's Focus to Tackle Extremism

"There is no single solution to tackling extremism but the media and internet are key areas for firm action where for too long extremists have been allowed to propagate their divisive narrative ..."

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | UK Desk
Source/Credit: Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK
By Press Release | October 21, 2015

"We stand ready to work with the Government in tackling extremism"
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK welcomes the Government's counter extremism strategy published on Monday. Rafiq Hayat, National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK, said:
"We welcome the Prime Minister's focus to tackle extremism. We have always been clear that this requires a collective effort and it is good to see the Government take a lead in setting a clear framework for action to support communities in this work. It is also absolutely right that the strategy looks to root out Islamophobia and far right extremism.
"The strategy rightly reasserts that extremism is not justified by any faith. Islam is a religion of peace and whilst some claim to act in its name when they carry out atrocities, the truth is that they act completely against everything that Islam stands for.
"There is no single solution to tackling extremism but the media and internet are key areas for firm action where for too long extremists have been allowed to propagate their divisive narrative, and authorities have been reluctant to act for fear of diminishing the right of free speech. By tackling extremism we uphold freedoms rather than undermine them so we support tougher action in this area. We also welcome the drive to review the role of the public sector - it is vital that radicalisation is not allowed to seep into public funded bodies.
"Our Caliph, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, has repeatedly spoken of the need for the authorities and communities to be vigilant so that radicalisation can be nipped in the bud. He has also called for the media to play its part in giving due time and space for voices of moderation and peace.
"We stand ready to work with the Government in tackling extremism. We ensure that our youth are actively engaged in serving mankind. Next month our youth will once again be on the streets collecting for the Poppy Appeal - by ingraining our youth with the true teachings of Islam and its values of loyalty, freedom and peace we will ensure that they remain dedicated to the promotion of peace."

-- Basharat Nazir -- +44-7703-483384,,
-- Mahmood Rafiq, +44-7971-060-962,

Twitter: @AhmadiyyaUK

Baitul Futuh Mosque, 181 London Road, Morden, Surrey SM4 5PT

Read original post here: British Ahmadi Muslims Welcome the Prime Minister's Focus to Tackle Extremism

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