Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Nearly 20,000 people from 26 countries attend three day event. 

Ahmadiyya Times | News Desk | Int'l Desk
Press Release - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, yesterday concluded the 118th Qadian Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) with a powerful address delivered via satellite link from the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London. During his address he spoke of how the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat was founded by the Promised Messiah, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in the seemingly remote town of Qadian in the late 19th Century and that through the blessings of God Almighty the Jamaat had now spread to 195 countries and despite the many obstacles placed in its path it had never taken a backward step.

His Holiness begun his address by referring to the promises of God Almighty to the Promised Messiah, that ‘I am with you’ and ‘I shall support you’. With the weight of such Divine support behind him the Promised Messiah fulfilled his duties to spread the true message of Islam from Qadian, in an age where means of communication were extremely limited. The message he spread was of peace, tolerance and respect. He was the true defender of Islam and the true defender of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

His Holiness continued that the Promised Messiah brought about a revolution in the world. It was neither a violent revolution, nor a worldly revolution but instead a spiritual revolution of goodness and loyalty. His only concern was that mankind become closer to its Creator.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat had from the outset been the subject of great persecution from various parts of society but in particular from extreme clerics who were jealous and fearful of the Jamaat’s success. His Holiness said that despite the cruelty, bloodshed and lies it had faced, the Jamaat had continued to grow and this was a sign that God’s promise to the Promised Messiah did not expire upon his passing. Indeed that promise would last forever. His Holiness said:

    “God’s promise of Help was with you, it is with you and will always remain with you.”

His Holiness mentioned that this very Convention had been the subject of controversy in India and that some of the extreme clerics in India had demanded that the authorities ban the Jalsa. Yet it was allowed to go ahead and had proved a great success with nearly 20,000 people from 26 countries attending, including a delegation of around 5,200 from Pakistan.

Regarding the current situation in Pakistan, His Holiness once again expressed his great concern. He said the situation was continuing to deteriorate; there was no stability in the country and no part was safe from terror. He said the only solution was for the sincere citizens of Pakistan to bow down and pray for the state of the nation. Only through Allah’s Divine Help could the country be saved from further destruction and calamity.

The Jalsa concluded with a silent prayer in which Ahmadis throughout the world joined via MTA International.

Earlier during the three day convention many prominent dignitaries came to attend the Jalsa in Qadian and a number also addressed the event. These included Local Congress MP Partap Singh Bajwa, Minister of the Punjab Govt Mr Sewa Singh Sekhwan and the Congress leader Fateh Jung Singh Bajwa. All of the guests spoke about the continued service to humanity of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, in particular its efforts to alleviate poverty and to facilitate communal harmony within society.

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Read more at AlIslam.Org

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