Friday, December 11, 2009


The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has published its 2009 annual report on the situation of human rights in Indonesia.The following excerpt is taken from the report.

Ahmadiyya Times | Staff News | Intn'l Desk
Excerpts - 1 | Indonesia | Persecution of Ahmadi Muslims
Asian Human Rights Commission Report 2009

"Freedom of Religion - Pluralism and Secularism: Eleven years after political reform (reformasi) that occurred in 1998, freedom of religion in Indonesia faces serious obstacles because of increasing fundamentalism in several sections of Indonesian society. This presents a serious challenge to Indonesia's acclaimed principles of ethnic and cultural pluralism. At present the government only formally recognizes six religions in Indonesia: Islam, Roman Catholicism, Protestant Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism (Khong Hu Cu) [1]. Each person's religion is registered on his/her identity documents which s/he is required to carry with them.

Religious groups outside the six state-recognised religions such as the Ahmadiyah[*] do not enjoy state protection [2]. As a consequence of discrimination and alleged crimes committed against the Ahmadiyah the National Commission for Human Rights (Komnas HAM) established a monitoring team based on Law No 39 of 1999 regarding human rights. This law was aimed at monitoring and inquiring in to several alleged violations of human rights against members of the Ahmadiyah. To date there is no significant progress [3]. The current situation for members of the Ahmadiyah is that they are under pressure and monitoring and intimidation from several Muslim fundamentalist organizations who try to prohibit them from praying and promulgating their religion."

[1] The Majority of Indonesians are Muslims but the Indonesian Constitution does not refer to Islam as a state religion. Indonesia 's five founding principles are supposed to act as the state ideology called 'Pancasila' to accommodate differences. The five principles are first, belief in the one and only God, second, Just and civilized humanity, third, the unity of Indonesia, Fourth, Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberation amongst representatives, and five, Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia.

[2] The Ahmadiyah is an Islamic group that has practiced its beliefs for about 100 years under various regimes without any incidents in the past.

[3] Two of places that occurred violence against members of Ahmadiyah such Manislor in Kuningan of West Java Province and Lombok of the NTB Province. Hundreds members of Ahmadiyah still become refugees in Lombok without enough sufficient protection

[*] It is erroneous to assert that Ahmadiyah is a new religion. The members of the Ahmadiyah Muslim Community claim to follow the Hanafi order of Islam for the most part with few differences and two specific exceptions; Ahmadiyah Muslim believe that, 1) Jesus Christ had neither died on the cross, nor ascend to heavens, but lived to an old age after the attempted crucifixion and died a natural death, and,  2) the Messiah and the promised reformer awaited by most all religions has already appeared in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India.

Read more: The state of human rights in Indonesia in 2009

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