Sunday, April 18, 2010

Changing Tides: Khalifa of Islam arrives in Italy, Pope leaves Rome for Malta

Hazrat Ahmad explained that when Christianity spread in Italy after the suffering of the Unitarian Christians for many hundreds of years, it was helped by the concept of Trinity that came to be hugely accepted. Now Ahmadi Muslims have to spread Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam in the country and change the concept of Trinity back to Unity of God.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Int'l News
Sources:  MTA, CNA, Ahmadiyy Times
Edited by Imran Jattala | April 18, 2010

The Khalifa of Islam and the Spiritual Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, arrived in Italy and delivered his Friday Sermon at Baitul Tauheed Mosque, ‘the House of Oneness [of God]’, at San Pietro in Casale in Italy, the Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA) Reported.

San Pietro in Casale is a municipality of about 12,000 inhabitants, located in the Province of Bologna in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy.

According to the MTA news, His Holiness, Hadhrat Ahmad reminded the members of the Community during his Friday Sermon that Italy is a huge responsibility for the Ahmadi Muslims living in the country.

Hazrat Ahmad explained that when Christianity spread in Italy after the suffering of the Unitarian Christians for many hundreds of years, it was helped by the concept of Trinity that came to be hugely accepted. Now Ahmadi Muslims have to spread Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam in the country and change the concept of Trinity back to Unity of God.

He reminded the members to be mindful that they live in a country a part of which has been the centre of Catholicism and where papacy is established [Vatican], albeit it is reduced to a paradigm of worldliness and a large majority of Europeans are Catholics who do accept the Pope.

Many believe that the concept of Trinity prevailed because of its compatibility with pagan beliefs in multiple gods. Similarly, many other Christian traditions can be found to have emerged from the pagan belief-set.

As Hazrat Ahmad delivered the sermon in San Pietro in Casale, the chief of Catholicism, Pope Benedict left Rome to go on an 'Apostolic Journey' to Malta.

The Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported that the Holy Father sent a telegram of good wishes to the President of the Republic of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano and informed the President about this being a  "providential occasion" for his pilgrimage to Malta.

According to CNA, the Pontiff looked forward to meeting many "brothers and sisters in the faith" at a historic place where the apostle Paul once was shipwrecked and meet with representatives of the Maltese people.

Unhindered by the cloud of volcanic ash that had interrupted flights in northern Italy since Saturday morning, the Holy Father took off for Malta where he arrived around 5:00 PM local time.

However, in Malta, the pontiff has been also eagerly awaited by a group of men, allegedly abused by Roman Catholic clergy, who hope that this weekend will mark a turning point for them and their Church.

-- Ahmadiyya Times staff compiled from multiple sources.
-- By Imran Jattala. Follow on Twitter: @IJattala


  1. The 2nd Khalifa foretold of a day when the Pope's very family would accept the Promised Messiah (as). May God hasten such a glorious day when they recognize that Messiah they have waited for all these years has indeed returned.

  2. @Qasim: can you please give a source? It would be really helpful in Tabligh matters. Jazaka'Allah.

  3. @ Anonymous: Here is the cite....sorry for not providing it sooner. Jazakallah.

    In June 1946, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) saw the following vision of Italy:

    "He beheld that he has arrived in Italy in the company of Maulana Jalaluddin Shams. There is an Ahmadi behind bars in Italy whom they want to meet. Hazoor commands such respect and awe in the country that the people do not want to create any hindrance in Hazoor’s meeting with this prisoner. Hazoor then meets with this man and asks him as to what kind of information the Italian Government is seeking from him. The Pope also holds a meeting with Hazoor and wants to know what information this Ahmadi gave Hazoor and what secrets he would have revealed to Hazoor . . .

    I understand from this dream that Allah will open the doors of Italy in such a way and that there will be such significant progress that the Italian Government would feel that it would be dangerous to keep Ahmadis in the country. The meeting with the Pope indicates that members of his family will accept Ahmadiyyat and hence he would become nervous."

    (Al-Fazal, July 1, 1946 pp. 1-2).

  4. Jazaka'Allah! I really appreciate it!


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