Sunday, April 11, 2010

Faith & Logic: Muhammad in the Bible, a universal Prophet

..Islam did not begin with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad.  Rather, Islam was completed with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad.  With his arrival, Muhammad validated the truth and Divine commission of all prophets of God.  

Ahmadiyya Times | News Staff | Articles & Book Review
Source & Credit: Chicago Islam Examiner
By Qasim Rashid | Chicago, IL | April 11, 2010

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,  made his claim to prophethood at a time foretold in all great scriptures of the world.  Religion advanced from the teaching of the simple existence of God as Prophet Adam established, through the Unity of God Prophet Abraham cemented, and beyond the 10 Commandments revealed to Prophet Moses.  Islam then came to complete faith.  As God says in the Holy Qur'an, "This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion." (5:4)

From this perspective, Islam did not begin with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad.  Rather, Islam was completed with the advent of the Prophet Muhammad.  With his arrival, Muhammad validated the truth and Divine commission of all prophets of God.  In fact, Islam is the only religion to testify that every people in the history of mankind were sent Prophets from God.  Instead of exclusivity validating Israeli Prophets mentioned in the Bible, Islam also validated the truth of Prophet Krishna, Buddha, Confucious, Zoroaster, Tao, and many more.  Islam teaches that mankind has received no less than 124,000 Prophets.  God says in the Holy Qur'an, "And for every people there is a Messenger. So when their Messenger comes, it is judged between them with equity, and they are not wronged." (10:48)

Every prophet prior to Muhammad shared at least three characteristics.  First, each taught the absolute Unity of God.  Second, each claimed to come only for their own people and no one else.  Third, each foretold of a Chosen Prophet to come in the future and admonished their followers to accept that Chosen Prophet should they live to witness his arrival.

In this brief article it is impossible to expand on the above paragraph in detail.  However, we offer a brief example of a Biblical prophecy of the advent of Muhammad.  In the Song of Solomon, the actual name Muhammad appears in the Hebrew text.  This word, "Makhammad" is translated into "altogether lovely."  "His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem." (Song of Solomon 5:16)

A full dissertation with all references and proofs from the Bible is available in the book, Muhammad in the Bible.  This book offers prophecies from the Torah, Old Testament, and Gospels.  Uncannily similar prophecies are found in the Gita and Vedas as well.

While some perceptions portray Islam as a religion devoid of pluralism or inclusiveness, nothing could be further from the truth.  Islam champions the truth of all prophets, and their pure and unadulterated teachings.  To follow Muhammad, is to follow all true Prophets of God.

Read original article here: Muhammad in the Bible, a universal Prophet

Qasim Rashid is a contributing member of Majlis Sultanul Qalm, USA (MSQ USA) and regularly writes for and various other publications on topics ranging from Islam to human rights. Leave your thoughts and comments, or email Qasim at 

1 comment:

  1. [Your discussion of Muhammad is most interesting. The following web article also shares light on Biblical prophecy. George]

    Joe Ortiz's "Secret" Blog !

    In fact, his "End Times Passover" blog of April 10th has more than one secret - and Ice, LaHaye, and Lindsey aren't exactly happy because it reveals in living color what they are REALLY peddling! Please open his blog SLOWLY because it is unbelievably explosive since the lead story is titled "Pretrib Rapture Secrecy?"


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