Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Gambia: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at 35th Annual Convention ends

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Daily Observer | The Gambia
By Observer | April 27, 2011

The 35th Jalsa Salana (Annual Convention) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, The Gambia ended on Sunday 24th April 2011 at Nusrat Senior Secondary School in Bundung.

The three-day convention was characterised by various activities such as the delivery of speeches from key personalities in the country. These distinguished guests included the Amir of The Gambia, Baba F. Trawally; Hon. Abdoulie Bojang, the speaker of the National Assembly; the Majority leader of the National Assembly and member for Serrekunda East, Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta; Alhaji Lamin Waa Juwara, governor of Lower River Region; Pa Malick Faye, managing director of Observer Company; representatives from Guinea Bissau and Senegal respectively; Pierre Bah, chief of Niani District;  Pa Malick Mbaye, chief of Upper Saloum District; and Bakary Jatta, a representative of Bahai faith in The Gambia.

In his opening address, the Amir of The Gambia, Baba F Trawally told the gathering that Hardhrat Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (AS) started the Jalsa in Qadian 120 years ago attended by 75 saintly men and that the holy founder said that Jalsa Salana is one branch of the revival of Islam.  The theme of the Amir’s address was the moral injustice in the world. He said that the world is caught in a chain of moral injustice causing the current wave of conflicts and crisis around the world. According to him, this moral injustice has led to moral degradation and turmoil. He stressed that greed is the cause of this social and moral disease and the main factor of the current social, political, economic and religious crisis in the world.  The holy prophet Muhammad Mustapha (SAW) described morality as a distinctive feature of Islam. Amir Trawally noted that high moral standards are necessary for peace and tolerance and people must learn the higher morals of discipline, restraint, contentment, humility, selflessness, tolerance, obedience and righteousness in order for the world to enjoy peace, mutual love and brotherhood.

He further said that in contemporary transactions the so-called diplomacy and selfish ulterior motives work at the expense of justice and that moral injustice and corruption have incapacitated conflict resolution and peace missions in conflict and war-torn countries. Amir Trawally stated that Muslims are morally obliged to protect the rights of others and maintain peace always and all their dealings and transactions should be based on goodwill, truthfulness and not the contrary. Among the purposes of the Jalsa, he said, is to inculcate higher standards of morality to enable members to preach the true message of Islam throughout the world. He quoted the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (AS) calling the members to listen attentively: That no wrong doing mischief or misconduct should even approach them and that they should perform the five daily prayers regularly, should not utter falsehood and should not hurt anyone by their tongues or any other means and that they should not be guilty of any vices and should not allow even a thought of any mischief, wrong, disorderliness or turmoil to pass through their minds.  He emphasised to the audience that Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (AS) strongly advised them to refrain from every kind of wrong, transgression, dishonesty, bribery, trespass and partiality.

In closing the Jalsa on Saturday night 23rd April 2011, Amir Sahib Baba F. Trawally talked at length about the teachings and practices of the holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) on morality.  He said the Holy Prophet was a model for the entire humanity and his life was Holy Quran.  He was humble, kind hearted, honest, tolerant and generous to poor and needy.  He ate food from the same plate with the poor and needy and he helped his wives in their household chores. He said that the holy prophet Muhammad’s heart was a fountain of love and mercy for all the creation of Allah Almighty and had extended the same to even his enemies who were after his life.  Muslims should emulate the holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) in all their dealings which indeed will give them victory and success similar to the blessings experienced by the rightly guided disciples of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

He quoted the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (AS) who said that when a person truly follow the holy prophet Muhammad (saw) with eagerness, love, obedience and sincerity Allah Almighty will remove all his inner darkness and he will enjoy the light of righteousness and the darkness of sin will all depart from his heart. In closing the Lajnal (Ladies’) session, the Amir talked about the importance of obedience in matters of faith. Ladies have been playing a very important role since the inception of Islam and they should continue to play very crucial role in Islam even today. “Be sincere followers of the Islamic faith and obey all its teachings so that you can save yourself and your progeny.  You have a great responsibility as mothers for the proper upbringing of the children.  Demonstrate love, obedience and respect in all your dealings and serve your communities with devotion and sincerity because faith is incomplete without service to humanity,” said Amir Trawally.

The Amir admonished the entire Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in The Gambia to be law-abiding and to be tolerant, respectful to the people of The Gambia and those in authority over them.  He said that the Jama’at would continue to work closely with the government of The Gambia  in complementing its efforts in improving the spiritual, moral and socio-economic development  of the country. He thanked the authorities for creating the enabling environment for the Jama’at to offer its services for the well being of The Gambian the people. He requested the members to continue to pray for the government and people of The Gambia and those in authority over them.  He said that the Jama’at would continue to work closely with the government of The Gambia for continuous peace and stability of our beloved country The Gambia.

In his statement, the Hon Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Abdoulie Bojang thanked the Jama’at for inviting members of other faiths such as the Bahai to the Jalsa and suggested that the Jama’at should continue to invite representatives of all the other non-muslim denominations in the country. He said he believed this would foster unity and understanding in the country and teach followers of other religions the truth, beauty and peaceful nature and teachings of Islam. He said the Holy Prophet’s kindness, tolerance and magnanimity to pagans had encouraged them to accept Islam and his steadfastness and patience had helped the wide spread acceptance of Islam by many people around the world.  According to him,  Islam is one religion although they are divided into different sects and therefore they should be inviting other faiths in their programmes so that Islam may succeed in its quest of uniting mankind under one  banner.  He requested prayers for the government and people of The Gambia.

The Imam Ratib of The Gambia, Alhaji Cherno Alieu Mass Kah thanked the Jama’at for the invitation and the good work it is doing in the country. He said that he came to extend his fraternal greetings to the Jama’at.  He said that Allah Almighty said: “O men we created you from single soul and made you into tribes and sub-tribes so that you may know each other but the best among you is the one who fears Allah the most.” He said that it is important for them to know that they are all children of one Adam.  He quoted the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) saying that all of them are from Adam and Adam was created from dust and that their Lord is only one and one God, the Lord of the universe and that they are all created from this earth and from this earth they shall be raised from.  “As we are all from one Adam, we should unite and work together as brothers and sisters in peace and brotherhood,” said the Imam Ratib.

He quoted the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who is reported to have said that the similitude of believers is like the organs of the body, when one organ is in pain the whole body feels the pain and affliction.  The Imam Ratib said that they should safeguard and protect each other so that they can live in peace and harmony. He said that Allah’s hand is always over a united community.  He further quoted the holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) that there is mercy in unity and punishment in disunity. He thanked the Jama’at for its work n education and health in the country.  The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has said that two types of knowledge are beneficial to mankind:  religious and medical knowledge.  “It is the medical knowledge that cures us when sick thereby enabling us to work and worship Allah Almighty and the religious knowledge which helps us to know our lord and how to worship Him and serve His creations.  Ahmadiyya Jama’at is also doing well in these sectors,” he stated.

He said that they should work together in building a world safe and peaceful.  According to him, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) admonished his followers to remove all evil whenever they come across it either with their hands or tongues or hate it in their heart. “If we all acted upon this wisdom of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), evil will have no place in our society or community or country. We should all work together to strengthen the peace and stability in our country so that we can protect our lives, properties and families,” said Imam Ratib. Imam Ratib was accompanied by a high-powered delegation including Imam Babou Njie, Kanifing South Mosque and Imam Muhammad Jagne Kotu Kuwareh Mosqque.

For his part, the majority leader and member for Serrekunda East, Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta, said that among the purposes of the Jalsa is education and training which, he said, would lead to progress, peace and success.  He said coming together would foster unity, love and understanding better and that the training and education of the youths about love of Allah Almighty, Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are very noble and worthwhile principles and such indeed would give the country bright future.  He thanked the Jama’at for its contribution in the socio-economic development in The Gambia especially in health and education which is quality and affordable.

In his statement, Alh. Waa Juwara, the governor of Lower River Region, said that he has a longstanding relationship with Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in The Gambia.  He said Nasir Ahmadiyya Muslim Senior Secondary School in Basse was established in 1983 while he was Divisional Commissioner of Upper River Region and also Tahir Ahmadiyya Muslim Senior Secondary School was also established 1988 in Lower River Region while he was there as Commissioner. He thanked the Jama’at for their religious work and tolerance.  He praised the Jama’at for instilling high morals, discipline and hard work among its members and in Tahir Ahmadiyya Muslim Senior Secondary in Mansakonko. He added that the school is highly admired by the people of his region. He concluded by thanking the Jama’at for complementing government’s effort in the provision of essential services to the people of The Gambia.

In his remarks, the managing director of Observer Company, Pa Malick Faye, said that Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is a good partner of the government of The Gambia in the area of health and education. He hailed the Jama’at for the establishment of the Nusrat High School in 1971, stressing that the products of Nusrat are well known for their hard work and discipline. He further stated that Nusrat is a highly organised school and one of the best in the country and that the Jalsa participants were highly disciplined. Faye finally requested prayers for the government and people of The Gambia.

The chief of Upper Saloum District, Malick Mbaye expressed his delight to be part of this year’s Jalsa because Jalsa is a great religious gathering important for the well being in this world and hereafter.  He disclosed that 40 people from his district came to attend the Jalsa.  He said Ahmadis are well known for their decency, morality, spirituality, law-abiding and respect for authority. He thanked Amir Sahib of The Gambia for personally visiting them in their districts and homes during his last countywide tour.  He concluded by thanking the Jama’at for the good works it is doing in his district.

In his remarks, the chief of Niani District, Pierre Bah, said  that Jalsa is a spiritual gathering for Allah Almighty and His messenger,  the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).  He hailed the Jama’at for their works in his district which, he said, are done with great love and respect.  He said that Ahmadis preach with wisdom which is an essential human right requirement i.e. people should be free to worship what they believe in but should not be forced or insulted or persecuted for their beliefs. The Bahai representative, Bakary Jatta expressed delight for attending the Jalsa in the name of the unity of mankind and its oneness.  He thanked the Jama’at for the invitation.

A representative from Guinea Bissau, Ustaz Ibrahim Drammeh, thanked Allah Almighty for their safe arrival although they experienced great difficulty on the way. He said the large crowd and the beautiful religious scenery had made them to forget their ordeals. He thanked the Jama’at and requested for prayers for Guinea Bissau for peace and progress.

A representative from Senegal Jama’at, Bro. Abdou Salam Jallow extended the fraternal greetings and prayers of Senegal Jama’at to the participants. He hailed The Gambia Jama’at for their efforts in the revival of Islam which is inspiring them with courage and energy in the work of Allah Almighty, His Prophet (SAW) and his Messiah and Mahdi (AS) for the revival of the Islamic faith.

During the Jalsa, speeches were delivered on: Hadhrat Imam Mahdi’s (as) love for the holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) by Mr Ibrahim Bayo, moral and spiritual revolution brought by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), by Ustaz Syed Saeed-ul Hassan Shah Naib Amir and missionary in charge gave a long lecture on the beautiful moral and spiritual revolution the holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) had brought into this world, Islam and globalisation by Ustaz Musa Bah, Prophesies and their fulfillment on the advent of the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (AS) by Fafanding EK. Darbo and Khalifat, a divine institution by Ustaz Muhammad Sinayoko.

A separate session was conductged by Lajna (women’s wing) parallel to the men’s session on Saturday 23rd April 2011.  The session was chaired and addressed by Lajna President Sister Mariama Correa Bah who admonished the ladies to be regular in their five daily prayers, learn the Holy Quran and teach and train children in the way of Allah Almighty and continue to offer their service to the country.  Other speeches were delivered on: Marriage within the Jama’at at as instructed by the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as) by Sister Mansurat Ikumapaye and customs and traditions in conflict with Islam by Sister Halimatou SO Dibba among other activities.

This year’s Jalsa attracted over 6000 participants from different parts of the country, Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, United Kingdom. Several members of the National Assembly, chiefs, alkalolu and religious leaders attended the Jalsa such as the speaker of the National Assembly, Imam Ratib of Banjul, Majority leader and member for Serrekunda East, member for Central Badibou, Jarra Central and Upper Saloum; governor of Lower River Region, managing director of the Observer Company, District chiefs and several Alkalolu, Imams and many other high-profile personalities.

Author: Daily Observer

Read original post here: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at 35th Annual Convention ends

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