Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Zealand: Annual Peace Convention Attracts Hundreds in Auckland

“We cannot deny the fact that there is turmoil everywhere in the world in one shape or the other. This is a result of man forgetting his objective of creation, that is, his inclination towards worship of God and endeavour to gain Divine nearness.”

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | EU Desk
Source/Credit: AMJ - New Zealand
By Staff Reporter | January 29, 2012

A wide cross section of the Auckland community attended the 23rd Annual Religious Convention on Saturday January 28, hosted by hundreds of Ahmadi Muslims.

According to the information released by the Ahmadiyya community, a regular attendee of the conference, Hon. Jackie Blue, National MP commended the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community for their effort to change the perception and misunderstanding about Islam.

“Islam has been badly misunderstood and I am very pleased with the Ahmadiyya Community’s efforts in removing this misunderstanding. New Zealand has come a long way of managing race relations and as a nation has been very accommodating of all religions and races,” Hon. Blue said.

Mohammed Iqbal, National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, welcomed all the attendees, the press release further stated.

Mr. Iqbal outlined the objectives of the Community and the main purpose of promoting peace and fairness across all fellow beings.

“We cannot deny the fact that there is turmoil everywhere in the world in one shape or the other. This is a result of man forgetting his objective of creation, that is, his inclination towards worship of God and endeavour to gain Divine nearness”, Mr. Iqbal said.

The first time New Zealand First MP, Hon Asenati LOLE-TAYLOR congratulated the Community for their active social work in trying to improve the lives of the needy, especially their efforts with the Department of Corrections.

“The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is an exemplary community leading in their practice of the code of life consistent with the teachings of the Holy Qur’an” says Hon. Lole-Taylor.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s Central Missionary Maulana Shafiq-ur-Rehman in his address at the Convention stressed that Mankind will continue to suffer from social upheavals.

The moral tones of human society will never really improve, said  Maulana Shafiq-ur-Rehman, unless economical inequalities of such a serious nature, where some sections of society roll in wealth and others die of starvation, are done away.

“The Holy Qur’an, being a perfect Scripture has provided the roadmap for progress and perfection of man by means of the Law of Shariah, the moral law and the social law," Shafiq-ur-Rehman firther added.

"It identifies the basic necessities of human needs such as food, water, clothing and shelter. The Holy Qur’an points to the fact that to provide these primary necessities of life to its people is the first duty of a civilized government and that a society can only be called civilized when all its members are adequately provided with these necessities.”

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a religious organisation, international in its scope. It is acknowledged worldwide for its sincere efforts to promote peace.

The annual convention is celebrated internationally with tens of thousands of participants in countries including Australia, England, Germany, Canada and the United States of America.

  -- Annual Peace Convention Attracts Hundreds in Auckland
  -- Edited by Imran Jattala

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