Monday, September 24, 2012

Open minds: Tolerance must be our goal in post-9/11 world

The concern is puzzling given that only 1 percent of the country’s population is Muslim and polls show that the vast majority of American Muslims want nothing to do with Sharia Law.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Patriot-News Editorial Board
By Patriot-News Editorial Board | September 11, 2012

It was 11 years ago on a Tuesday much like today that the world changed for the United States.

At 8:46 a.m., when the first plane struck the World Trade Center, we didn’t know it yet but that was the beginning of a new, more cautious, heavily scrutinized and far less innocent way of life for us.

How could it not be after nearly 3,000 people died at the hands of murdering terrorists who flew two airplanes into the twin towers, another into the Pentagon and were forced to ground Flight 93 near Shanksville?

But through all the shock and fear of Sept. 11, 2001, some focused their anger at Muslims and those who were perceived to be of that faith.

It was such a concern that President George W. Bush did a commendable job of trying to stamp out the hatred.

“These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith,” he said. “And it’s important for my fellow Americans to understand that.” Bush even visited the Islamic Center in Washington, D.C., just days after the attacks and tried to put an end to the violence that was happening or had the potential to occur.

At one point he quoted from the Koran, saying “In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil.”

In some ways, we have come a long way since those days of panic when some believed al-Qaida had terrorist cells harbored in every American mosque. In late 2010, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community quietly moved into Lakeside Lutheran Church in Harrisburg when that congregation decided to sell its church. There were no ugly words or threats as the changeover from Christian to Muslim faith took place at the building.

But in other ways, people have forgotten the president’s words. Also in 2010 — the last year for which the FBI has statistics — hate crimes against Muslims increased by 50 percent nationwide.

We can all recall the vitriol that surrounded the Islamic center plans near ground zero in Manhattan and the threats of a Florida pastor to burn Korans.
Some Sihks in Wisconsin who were targeted last month in a deadly temple shooting say they were collateral damage from 9/11 hatred.

Also in recent years, politicians nationwide have proposed and even signed what are dubbed “sharia laws.”

Supporters erroneously say they are needed to keep state courts and agencies from being allowed to use Islamic or other non-U.S. laws when making decisions even though there is no such threat.

One judge candidate in Pennsylvania last year had a reference to that issue in her campaign literature.

The concern is puzzling given that only 1 percent of the country’s population is Muslim and polls show that the vast majority of American Muslims want nothing to do with Sharia Law.

It is sad that in this day and age, as we move further from Sept. 11, 2001, and have a greater understanding of who plotted the attacks, politicians would pander to those who fear Muslims and, even worse, stir up more potential hatred against them.

As we recall all those who died on this day 11 years ago, it also is important to ponder what our great country stands for and how we separate ourselves from those who want to see our nation crumble and fall.

One of the most important ways that we stand apart is through our tolerance and acceptance of those who have different backgrounds, different skin colors and different faiths.

Remembering that is how we make certain the terrorists never win.

Read original post here: Open minds: Tolerance must be our goal in post-9/11 world

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