Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Perspective: Honoring the Victims of Senseless Violence | Aisha Sial

No human efforts can truly repair the damage done by senseless violence but when we support each other in good works it helps the healing process.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Tatch | Washington
By Aisha Sial | August 24, 2015

Support the healing process, medically and socially, by supporting the Muslims for Life Campaign.

“Your loved one needs a transfusion.” Too many of us have heard such a statement. Blood products perform amazing medical results. Results which no-man made pharmaceutical can achieve. One unit of whole blood may save up to three lives. Thus to save lives and to honor the victims of 9/11 the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of USA inaugurated the “Muslims for Life Campaign” in 2011. Since then over 33,000 units of blood have been counted as part of this nationwide campaign.

In 2015, the “Muslims for Life” campaign will sponsor two blood drives locally. East of Redmond at Cedarcrest High School, 29000 NE 150th St, Duvall, WA 98019, Bloodworks Northwest will have their bus in the parking lot on Friday, Aug. 28th from noon until 6 pm with a lunch break from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Potential donors may come as they can or schedule their appointments at https://schedule.psbc.org/ look in the lower right for the sponsor code box, and just type in 3994.

On Saturday, Sept. 5th the Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Church welcomes the Red Cross bloodmobile from 10 am to 4 pm. Both the high school and the church have been partners with the Muslims for Life campaign over the years in this noble effort.

No human efforts can truly repair the damage done by senseless violence but when we support each other in good works it helps the healing process. As moderate peace loving Muslims work to clear their religion of crimes done in the name of Islam they appeal for public support. Thank you.

Read original post here: Honoring the Victims of Senseless Violence

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