Monday, July 11, 2011

Pakistan: A prominent lawyer and Ahmadiyya leader shot dead in Nawabshah, Sindh

Victim's sister Fouzia Malik of Canada said in her comment to the initial news at Ahmadiyya Times: "My dearest elder brother, just like a father. He took care of his younger brother and sister after his father's death."

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch |
Source/Credit: Various / Update
By Imran Jattala | July 11, 2011

An Ahmadi man was shot dead last evening around 8 pm as his car approached his office in Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan.

Malik Mabroor Ahmad, a renowned advocate and president of the local Ahmadiyya Muslim Community fell victim to anti-Ahmadiyya hate campaign by the Islamist extremists.

According to the reports an armed man casually walked up to the victim as he was about to exit the car. The killer shouted Khatme-Nubuwwat slogan and fired pointblank killing Malik Ahmad instantly.

The attacker walked away on foot in front of dozens of eye witnesses and disappeared into the crowed, but was seen rushing away behind the crowed cover, it was later reported.

Ahmad’s brother tried to track down the attacker but failed.

Malik Ahmad leaves behind three sons, two daughters and a very patient widow who was reportedly seen comforting herself and the children by reciting daroowd shareef, a prayer of salutations to the Holy Founder of Islam, Prophet Mohammad.

Mansoor Malik, brother of the victim posted a short one-liner message on his Facebook page announcing the death of his brother.

"My brother, Malik Mubroor Ahmed Advocate (Sadar Jamat Ahmedyya Nwabshah City, Sindh, Pakistan) shot dead. Please pray for us," the post read.

Victim's sister Fouzia Malik of Canada said in her comment to the initial news at Ahmadiyya Times: "My dearest elder brother, just like a father. He took care of his younger brother and sister after his father's death."

Previously, on Sep 09, 2008, an other leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Seth Muhammad Yusuf was also gunned down in Nawabshah.

Malik Ahmad was on the anti-Ahmadiyya hit list and had received numerous death threats.

Pakistani branch of Majlis Khatm-e Nubawwat (TKN), a worldwide Islamist extremist organization headquartered in Pakistan, has recently called for killing of all Ahmadis ‘openly, on streets, in market, or wherever they are found.”

According to recent reports, TKN-originated anti-Ahmadiyya handbills were faxed to prominent Ahmadis in Nawabshah.

The victim is reported to have memorialized the threats in a letter to his friends and the community.
Victim’s funeral services are scheduled for 8 am Teusday, July 12.

The UK branch of TKN has been investigated by Chanel 4 news and BBC for spearheading anti-Ahmadiyya hate campaign in the UK.

  -- A prominent lawyer and Ahmadiyya leader shot dead in Nawabshah

  -- Follow Imran Jattala:


  1. Innalillah hi wa inna illaihi raajioun. May Allah give him an elevated place in heaven and may Allah give his remaining family strength to continue moving on in the way of Allah and tranquility of heart.

  2. Aslam-0-alikum.

    i ask you why they are trying to kii us, why we not put a step for our safty,

  3. can you prove man actually died or just injured or just a lie. i don't trust lawyers ...

  4. Reformer of the anonymousJuly 12, 2011 at 1:24 AM

    Anonymous if this had happened to your father,brother or son I would have loved to seek your expert opinion. You are clearly a donkey head vision less mullah brain washed clone that has no feeling of humanity or pain on the loss of others. Shame on you and your senseless thinking.

  5. I love my mamoo. He always loved me. He was a nice person.

  6. I loved my mamoo. He always loved me. He was a nice person.
    from Rasheda Asma Khan

  7. Assalamo alaikum,

    May Allah the Most Merciful grant Shahadath to this brave Muslim Leader and may Allah the Great Comforter decent tranquility upon the hearths of his wife and children Ameen.

    Now here is an honest and apt question. Why is a known international terrorist organization allowed to run an academy in London, UK? The International so called Khatame Nabuet Organization openly espouse their support for the murder of Ahmadi Musleman and are known to be radicalizing youths in the UK. Just like other groups such as Islam4UK should not these people also be outlawed?

    Yusuf - Ireland


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