Friday, September 19, 2014

Pakistan: To Kill blasphmers | #Debate2ndAmendment

This draconian legislation is now all set to consume anyone, everyone. It has become a tool in the hands of bigots who want to settle scores and is being ever-increasingly employed in vendettas.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Pseudo Intellectual | Blog
By Mansura Minhas | September 18, 2014

Dr Shakeel Auj, Dean of Islamic Studies at the University Of Karachi was shot dead by assailants today. He became the latest target of the incessant extremism that is plaguing Pakistan. Dr Auj was a reformist and had spoken extensively about the need for intra-faith harmony and was vocal against extremism. BBC Urdu is reporting that a local madrassah had issued a fatwa (edict) against Dr Shakeel Auj on charges of blasphemy. He was declared Wajibul Qatl (worthy of death) through a SMS that was widely circulated.

This has become the new norm in Pakistan. Anyone who dares question the legitimacy of the infamous blasphemy laws is accused and booked under these man-made laws. This unjust development didn’t happen overnight. Seeds of this intolerance and bigotry were laid a long time ago.

Four decades ago, Pakistan’s government declared Ahmadis non-Muslim through an amendment to the Constitution. This unprecedented move set the country back and steered its course away from the vision of its founding father Quaid-e-Azam. At that time, very few could grapple the devastating consequences that were about to ensue as a result of this unjust legislation aimed at ostracizing a single community. Even though its primary aims was to restrict Ahmadis and appease the clerics, this short-sighted move – by a secular government – paved the way for a theocracy that was in contrast to the pluralistic and democratic vision of a Pakistan that Jinnah had envisioned.

In retrospect, however, we all agree how this has hampered Pakistan and left it at the whims of the radicals. The Second Amendment was just a first step for the hardliners, who were never satiated and yearned for more, as they aspired to gain a stronghold on power. In today’s Pakistan, no one is safe. Other minorities have also become casualties of the spiraling effects of this legislation. General Ziaul Haq exacerbated the woes of the Ahmadis through Ordinance XX- harsh and brutal laws that furthered restrictions and persecution. This draconian legislation is now all set to consume anyone, everyone. It has become a tool in the hands of bigots who want to settle scores and is being ever-increasingly employed in vendettas.

As Pakistan heads towards a downfall, persecution of Ahmadis is often undermined as a part of the regular lawlessness and harsh treatment of minorities. Few realize that Ahmadis are the only group who are on the receiving end of state sponsored persecution and face restrictions legislated by the State. It is an unprecedented usurpation of basic human rights of a group of citizens by a State.

The state-sponsored persecution of Ahmadis lies at the root cause of Pakistan’s predicament. There’s a dire need to undo the injustices of the past. The Second Amendment must go. The basic human rights of Ahmadis must be restored. Therein lies hope for Pakistan. It is the only way forward for a  truly democratic Pakistan.

It is encouraging that LUMS university is sponsoring a #Debate2ndAmendment week. This is a ray of hope in a Pakistan that is all set for doom and gloom. Let’s hope that the younger generation is able to awaken the conscience of the nation and pave the way for undoing the injustices of the past.

Read original post here: #Debate2ndAmendment

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