Friday, September 18, 2015

UK: Honour for Ahmadiyya missionaries from Nigeria

The award was given by the Pan Africa Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, UK , PAAMA, comprising of all African nationals living in the United Kingdom.

Nigeria missionaries Zikrillah Ayyuba and Abdur Rasheed Sanni
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: The Guardian Nigeria
By Qasim Akinreti | September 18, 2015

Three senior serving missionaries of the Ahmadiyya Muslim  Jama’at Nigeria who were trained abroad, Maulvi Abdul Khalique Nayyar, Missionary-in-charge; Maulana Zikrullah Tayo Ayuuba, former Deputy Head South West;  and Maulvi Abdul Rasheed Sani, of Ilaro Jama’at have been honoured for  dedication and immense contribution to the growth of missionary work in Nigeria at the just concluded Jalsa  Salana organized by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, UK.

The award was given by the Pan Africa Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, UK , PAAMA, comprising of all African nationals living in the United Kingdom.

Two missionaries, Maulvi Ayyuba and Sani, were honoured with  Maulana  Nayyar Award for 2015. The award was given in recognition of the immense contributions and sterling performances of the first foreign ahmadiyya  missionary, Maulana Nayyar  to west Africa in 1916.

Late Nayyar was sent to West Africa on missionary work. He along with 16 prominent Muslims in Lagos including Lawal Basil Agusto and Jubril Martin established the Ahmadiyya Movement then in 1916. He later went to Ghana to establish the same Islamic organization.
Maulvi Abdul Khalique Nayyar also bagged Abdul Wahab award  for his long service  in Nigeria .

In a related development, the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Nigeria, in Benin Eastern region of the country, have equally honoured the outgoing expatriate missionary, Maulvi Akram for his immense contributions to the growth of missionary activities in the Eastern region of Nigeria.

The send-forth was a result of the posting of Maulvi to the Ilorin Jama’at, Kwara state, of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Organization.

The deputy head (Naib Amir), Ahmadiyya Muslim  Jamaat  and Chairman of the occasion, Dr. AG Enahoro said: “Honour belongs to Allah, whether a ceremony is planned or not to commemorate it,” admonishing Maulvi Akram to go on with his new posting in the full confidence that he served the Jamaat sincerely while he was in Eastern Region and “we shall always remember him and his family in our prayers”.

In his brief speech, Benin Circuit President, recalled the several visible contributions of Maulvi Akram towards the growth of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya in the Circuit as well as the Region. He prayed Allah (SWT) to continue to support Maulvi Akram in his new posting. He thereafter, presented a gift on behalf of Eastern Region to Maulvi Akram.

The President, Benin Jamaat, Alhaji Suleiman Egwa, past Circuit President, Alhaji Elias and Muallim Tirmizy who worked very closely with Maulvi Akram throughout his stay underscored many projects that were executed within the Jamaat mosque as a result of the encouragement and insistence of Maulvi Akram not to abandon them.

In their words, “disagreements between believers are mere divergent views which serves as blessings at the end of the day.”

In his response, Maulvi Akram recounted that he has already served in the region for almost ten years and due to brotherhood and expression of love showed to him and his family, it seemed that he had only lived with us for a shorter time. He quoted the Holy Quran Chapter 14 vs 8 to support his gratitude for Allah’s favours on him while he served in Eastern Region.

Read original post here: UK: Honour for Ahmadiyya missionaries from Nigeria

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