Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Perspective: I have a voice here in Canada | Blawal Aleem

Being an Ahmadi Muslim, if I were in Pakistan, I wouldn’t be allowed to vote unless I declared myself non-Muslim, so it only makes sense that I take full advantage of the fact that I have a voice here in Canada.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Vaughan Citizen
By Blawal Aleem | October 12, 2015

Election Day nears; still sorting out who to vote for

Being 21 years old, this will be my first time voting in a federal election, and I find myself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Less than two weeks to go, and I still have no idea which of the four major parties I will be giving my vote to.

Being an Ahmadi Muslim, if I were in Pakistan, I wouldn’t be allowed to vote unless I declared myself non-Muslim, so it only makes sense that I take full advantage of the fact that I have a voice here in Canada. But despite that, I’ve been unable to make a decision, due to some of the controversial policies being proposed.

It’s difficult for me to accept that proposals such as a Niqab ban during Citizenship Ceremonies, and Bill-C51, are being brought forth. However, we all recently witnessed true Canadian values being promoted, as the Federal Court did not find the ban to fall in line with the Citizenship Act. I can confidently say that Islamic values fall in with Canadian values, and that there is no contradiction whatsoever - both promote love for all, and hatred for none.

Blawal Aleem

Read original post here: Perspective: I have a voice here in Canada | Blawal Aleem

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