Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Perspective: Muslims care too, you know | Alamzeb Khan

Acts like these should be reported by the media since it helps strengthen community bonds. It makes people realize that not all Muslims are terrorists like the so-called ISIS in the Middle East.

Times of Ahmad | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Beaumont Enterprise
By Alamzeb Khan | May 9, 2016

Well, here's something you didn't hear on the news: "Muslim youth helping out flood victims." The Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association partnered with Humanity First to conduct flood relief operations in Houston, collecting over $8,000 and distributing over 20,000 food items in the affected areas.

Volunteers whose own cars and residences had been damaged carpooled with others and decided to help out their community.

While such acts are droplets compared to the monetary damages caused by the recent floods, it's the spirit that counts. Service to humanity is a cornerstone of the Islamic faith.

Acts like these should be reported by the media since it helps strengthen community bonds. It makes people realize that not all Muslims are terrorists like the so-called ISIS in the Middle East.

Such acts ought to be made known to the fear-mongers who like to demonize the name of Islam and American Muslims.

Alamzeb Khan, Montgomery

Read original post here: Perspective: Muslims care too, you know | Alamzeb Khan

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